BMW beats Rolex and Apple as China’s most-desired brand

According to Clear Asia, a Hong Kong-based brand consultancy, BMW now ranks first among the 100 desired brands in China. The BMW brand easily beat Rolex and Apple, even Mercedes-Benz (8th) and Audi (12th). The survey was administered to 2,500 consumers in China.

Oliver Cartwright, Clear Asia’s regional managing director said that “BMW has a very strong and attractive brand personality in China. It’s seen as sexy and confident, exciting and sophisticated”. Other car brand may be admired in China, but Clear Asia director Scott Davies said that no other brand “has the emblematic brand personality of BMW — and having a very distinctive personality is key to being a truly desirable brand.”

The China survey was part of a worldwide study conducted by Clear, the parent company of Clear Asia. Globally, BMW ranked third most desirable brand in the world, just behind Apple and Google.

Source: Autonews


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