The BMW i8 experience through Google Glass

Google Glass puts a virtual world in front of our eyes and controllable and searchable through your voice. At the airports in Munich, Frankfurt and Hamburg, the BMW i8 invites you to explore its features with the help of Google Glasses. Travelers can look at technical stats like the plug-in hybrid drive of the economical sports car or inform of the laser headlights and the important role of carbon in building this car.

Stefanie Wurst (Director of Marketing BMW Group Germany): “The claim first of a new era sums up for us in the German market, the history of the BMW i8 : absolute power of innovation and the awakening of a positive future. “First of a new age”, in addition to the classic marketing campaign, adds a number of new and experiential formats, such as our Wiki8 campaign or to provide information about the i8 through Google Glass at selected airports. ”

Carola Erlewein (Director of Marketing Communications BMW Group Germany): “Who is staying in the coming weeks at the airports in Munich, Frankfurt or Hamburg, can experience the BMW i8 in the context of an innovation journey interactively with Google Glass and details on topics can present reality application such as laser light, carbon, or plug-in hybrid drive with an augmented. ”

Source: BMW Blog

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