BMW Brings Only Six BMW i8 Protonic Frozen Models to Australia

The BMW i8 will get a facelift next year, but the Bavarians know the art of keeping the public on their toes very well. Until the new model arrives, they are offering multiple special models, the most exciting being the Protonic Frozen i8.

BMW Brings Only Six BMW i8 Protonic Frozen Models to Australia

However, only six of these special edition cars will arrive to Australia, so if you’re from the country and looking to buy one, better hurry. Even more, they will not all come in the same color. Only one Frozen Yellow Protonic BMW i8 will be available on the Australian market. No wonder BMW Australia is offering the “ultimate i8 collector status” to the person who grabs it.

BMW Brings Only Six BMW i8 Protonic Frozen Models to Australia

The others will be Frozen Black models, and even though seven units are more than one, they are still extremely rare. 

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