BMW Group automotive industry’s top employer

The BMW Group has once again earned top ratings in the Universum Young Professional Survey 2018 employer ranking published today, which polled professionals with one to eight years’ job experience. The company was again voted number one by business students (2017: number one) and number two (2017: number three) by engineers. It is particularly encouraging that the BMW Group came in third (2017: fifth) among IT specialists, behind only Google and Microsoft, and was the most popular automotive employer.

BMW Group automotive industry’s top employer

Milagros Caiña-Andree, member of the Board of Management of the BMW Group, responsible for Human Resources, was delighted with the results: “Word has clearly got out that we are an established company in the tech scene.” She added: “The profound change in our industry provides a historic opportunity for young talents to shape the mobility of the future – and that is something IT specialists are excited about, too.”

Back in September, the Trendence Young Professional Barometer 2018 had already named the BMW Group Germany’s most attractive employer. A total of 18,000 professionals with one to ten years’ job experience were surveyed. As in previous years, the BMW Group was able to maintain the leading position it has occupied since 2012.

BMW Group automotive industry’s top employer

Other surveys show that the BMW Group is not only an attractive employer for young professionals in the highly attractive automotive industry. In the Trendence Graduate Barometer 2018 published in the spring, which polled a total of 55,000 graduating students, the BMW Group took first place in both the Engineering and Business categories (2017: first in each category). Among IT students, the BMW Group came in second (2017: third) and was Germany’s highest-ranked automobile manufacturer. The company was therefore able to improve on its performance from the previous year.

BMW Group automotive industry’s top employer

The BMW Group also remains one of the most attractive major automotive companies at international level, according to the Universum Global Ranking 2018, which surveyed 229,000 students in the 12 biggest economies. The company ranked 17th in the Business category (2017: 16th) and fourth in IT and Engineering (2017: fifth). It remains by far the most attractive automotive company in both categories.

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