Is is wise to buy used BMW i3?

Thanks to the offers of BMW and other automakers, EVs have become more accessible to people through lease programs. This is the most ideal set up for EVBs as well because it allows for receiving increased tax incentives and it protects the consumer from the terrible deprecation values that electric cars currently have. However, leasing a car is different from owning one. A lot of people really want to own i3s but are really doubtful to buy second hand ones. Is is a wise decision to do so?

Is is wise to buy used BMW i3?

For starters, buying a car with fast deprecation is the affordability of the price. In the leasing arrangement, the first owner or lessee takes the first deprecation hit. This means a used BMW i3 is cheap, but is it wise to buy it, all things considered?

In terms of things that can go wrong, there’s hardly any. There’s no engine to check, no transmission or differential to worry about unlike usual used cars. There’s no overheating or gasket issues since an EV’s powertrain requires no maintenance. In terms of maintenance, it very manageable.

The negative side would be that the batteries will break down in a few years and there is no telling how long the battery will hold up. If you’re getting a 2014 model, there should be quite a few years left to enjoy the current battery, still depending on the usage.

Those are the things to be considered before buying a used BMW i3. It is up to you to take the risk and enjoy an amazing car.

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