BMW beats Chevy, Ford and Audi in August Twitter Battle

Automotive News started tracking Twitter engagement four months ago for a bunch of automotive companies. Each month, Ford had the most Twitter engagement. In August though, BMW took the lead.

BMW beats Chevy, Ford and Audi in August Twitter Battle

In the same month, Chevy also beat out Ford. Chevy had the single most popular tweet as well. BMW also had a very popular tweet and it said: “YAAAAS Marina”, pertaining to the Yas Marina Blue BMW M4. This single tweet received 700 likes and 243 retweets. Chevy beat that with 2,700 likes and 685 retweets. It was the #SheBelieves video that encourages women to persevere through tough obstacles. Understandably, it got more traction.

Twitter activity is a very important to BMW. The German brand is trying to connect to a younger audience using this platform and if they do this properly, it will definitely translate to more sales. Social media is becoming increasingly important in the marketing of all brand.

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