ALPINA’s Eclusive Event for the B7

Alpina held an exclusive event for a selected number of automobile journalists and BMW dealership representatives in Napa Valley, California. Aside from the exquisite wine at the Napa Valley, the guests were able to learn more about the Alpina B7. See Alpina’s official release below:

Press Release: The new BMW ALPINA B7 was presented to selected members of the American press and the BMW dealer family, at an exclusive event held from the 5th to the 11th of June in California.  Participants were able to sample the ALPINA flagship’s comfort and sport orientation at both Infineon Raceway and while driving through California’s scenery, including the renowned Highway One.
Presentations were made regarding the B7’s technical subtleties, deep insights were given into ALPINA’s unique and storied history, and the distinctive philosophy of this small family-run business from Buchloe was explored.  All this was framed by the American event agency Emotive using ALPINA’s second business venture as the backdrop: wine.  The very finest wines from California’s best winemakers were served with dinner at the private The Napa Valley Reserve, each wine and each bottle naturally introduced and elucidated by the vintners themselves, supported by ALPINA’s head of wine.

All in all a very successful event:  the finest example of the ALPINA lifestyle, coupled with a vehicle created for the most demanding of automotive connoisseurs.

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