BMW Announces the Ultra-Luxurious Version of X7 in 2018


It’s been a while since BMW announced X7 model for 2018. While the production of a new model wasn’t that much of a secret, there hasn’t been much details until recently.

The company slowly started sharing tiny bits of information as the announcement date keeps getting closer. Apparently, in the early 2018 there will be two versions of X7 on the market, as Ian Robertson, BMW’s Sales Chief, said for Automotive News.

Everybody thought that the new X7 model will only come with seven seats, as that fits perfectly to its size and purpose. However, the exciting news is that the four-seat version will also be available, under the ultra-luxurious version of this high-end family car.

As announced, besides having a different number of seats, the two models will also have different looks, but it’s still unknown how exactly they will look like.


The four-seat version is called ultra-luxurious for a reason. Not only it will have more features, but its price is going to be noticeably higher than models X5 and X6, starting from $100,000, but the prices won’t go over $200,000. Pricewise, it can be compared to the M versions of the mentioned models. Another luxurious thing about it is the scarcity – the model will make up just 1% of all the units projected to be sold yearly, around 45,000.

This is not the only surprise the Germans are preparing. According to Robertson, BMW 7 Series will also have a deluxe version, as well as some other models. The project is called BMW GKL, from German words Grand Klasse. Judging by the info available so far, we can hope for many more exciting news in the near future.

There will certainly be more models involved, but Robertson didn’t want to confirm that 9 series will be among them.


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