BMW Debuts Vision Next 100 autonomous concept to celebrate 100th birthday

One hundred years to the day since BMW AG was entered into the commercial register – the BMW Group will launch its centenary activities.

The BMW Group has now made its vision for the future a reality – with the BMW VISION NEXT 100. This vehicle combines coupé-type sportiness with the dynamic elegance of a sedan – but rather than being an anonymous transport machine, it is a highly customised vehicle that is perfectly tailored to suit the driver’s changing needs.

Driver-vehicle interactions are managed by Alive Geometry; Boost and Ease modes offer a choice of driver-controlled or vehicle-controlled operations, and the interior of the vehicle changes to suit the mode of travel. In Boost, the entire vehicle focuses on the driver, offering the support needed to maximise the driving experience – for instance by indicating the ideal driving line, steering point and speed. Ease mode sees the interior transform: the steering wheel and centre console retract; the headrests turn to the side, and the seats and door trim merge to form a single unit so that the driver and front-seat passenger can turn towards each other.

“If, as a designer, you are able to imagine something, there’s a good chance it could one day become reality,” said Adrian van Hooydonk, Head of BMW Group Design. “So our objective with the BMW VISION NEXT 100 was to develop a future scenario that people would engage with.”

The BMW Vision Vehicle will make its world debut at the Centenary Event in the Munich Olympic Hall on 7 March 2016 – exactly one hundred years after the company that is now known as BMW AG was first entered into the commercial register. About 2,000 guests from industry, politics, research, society and the media will be present, as will selected dealers, suppliers and employees. A multi-media experience will guide them through the history of the company to this latest interpretation of tomorrow’s premium mobility, culminating in the unveiling of the Vision Vehicle.

The success of the BMW Group would not be possible without the commitment of more than 122,000 employees in 140 countries around the world. Almost all of them will be able to follow the Centenary Event in the Olympic Hall live as part of the activities happening at their site. In many markets, the live-stream will be accompanied by local centenary celebrations, and one particular highlight in Munich will be the live broadcast at the Allianz Arena football stadium, for more than 30,000 employees based in and around the Munich site.

After its world debut, the BMW VISION NEXT 100 will go on a symbolic World Tour entitled “Iconic Impulses.” stopping in China, the UK and the USA. After its Asian premiere in Beijing, it will travel to London, where the Vision Vehicles of the BMW Group’s British brands – MINI and Rolls-Royce – will be unveiled. Its last port of call will be Los Angeles, USA, where BMW Motorrad will add its Vision Vehicle to the collection to complete the quartet of brands.

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