BMW i5 Rumored to be “already in the works”

UK magazine WHATCAR? spoke to a BMW insider who reveals that a BMW i5 model is already in works. This is expected to be larger than the i3 and rumored to be a combination between a crossover with a raised seating position and and a typical sedan.

The insider said, “We are having these discussions right now, and no decision has been taken. In fact, there’s still not an absolute decision that the car, if it is called i5, should even happen. Many, including myself, believe that there is potential. Then if we decide the car should happen, we need to decide if it is a regular sedan or something where the passengers are sitting slightly higher up.

‘Then after that we need to decide whether a car of this size can be a fully electric edition, like the i3, or whether it needs to be a range-extender – or perhaps even a plug-in hybrid. That could ultimately be the best solution for that model; we don’t know yet.”

Nothing is confirmed by BMW at the moment.

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