BMW M VP of Engineering, Albert Biermann now with Hyundai

A news today that took the BMW world by surprise is about BMW M VP of Engineering Albert Biermann transferring to Hyundai to handle a similar role after more than 30 years of working with BMW. Particularly, he will be researching and developing performance models with the aim of improving ride and handling, product strategy and marketing, good enough to meet the goal of Hyundai to compete with European premium car makers. He will be moving to Seoul, South Korea for this role.

In a statement, Hyundai said: “We will have him in charge of developing high-performing vehicles and leading [research efforts on] performance, safety, durability, noise oscillation and system development.”

“Hyundai’s push to performance cars aims at going upmarket and garnering higher margins,” said Lee Hang-koo, a senior researcher at the state-funded Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade.

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