BMW will not have a ‘Medium Term’ return to Formula 1

From BMWBlog .com – To find out more interesting BMW news and stories, visit their site here.

BMW made a firm decision in 2009 top quit the F1, just four years after purchasing the Sauber team and splitting with Williams. The decision was based on the bad shape of the economy and they needed to cut costs. From then on, BMW focused on sustainable projects. Many BMW enthusiasts were saddened by the news and thought that this decision didn’t make sense. Until now, fans are still hoping ans speculating for BMW’s return to F1.

However, in a recent interview, for Motorsport Aktuell, BMW’s Motorsport Director, Jens Marquardt, has ruled out returning to F1  in the medium term: “In July of 2009, a very clear decision was made. This (decision) stands. We are very well positioned in terms of our motor sport programme and this is not going to change at all in the medium term.”

Instead, BMW will continue their investment in the German DTM touring series.


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