Car enthusiasts show diverse responses to the new grille design of the BMW M3 and M4 cars. While some think that it looks dreadful, some actually admire it. Others want to give it a chance even though it looks bizarre for them. Nevertheless, it can’t be helped just how dividing it is. BMW tries to attest that the new grille calls to mind the original BMW 328. However, the completely unbalanced look of the grille on the whole design makes some distrust their claim. This somewhat laughable look comes to life through a render of the older generation BMW M3s. These renders also display the same grille styling.
An M3 from each generation basically gains an elongated grille down below its front bumper. These new renders, therefore, carries identical look to the newest M3 cars. The renders have proven good points of the new grille design even though the digitalized stretching did not produce a like-for-like comparison.
While the rest of the front end fails to fit, it appears that BMW has forced this grille design that the designers should incorporate on the new BMW M3 and M4. As a result, the rendered grilles effectively replicate the new grille with its out-of-proportion look.
Although many car enthusiasts defend the new BMW M3 and M4 and its possible excellent performance, some argue that it should not be an excuse to criticize it, especially with its new grille.
However, one becomes a favorite from these new renders – the BMW E30 M3. Unlike the new BMW grilles that elongates down to the front bumper, this car’s grilles are skinny and small.