The BMW X5 is the car most targeted by car thieves in the UK

In the UK, a research company named Tracker found out that car thieves are more likely to steal a BMW X5 than any other car. The Range Rover, the BMW M3 and Audi RS4 follow. With two of BMW’s vehicles at first and third place, these thieves must have excellent taste in picking their target vehicles.

Stephen Doran, the managing director of Tracker, said that “these figures show that all car owners are a target for thieves. And with 84 per cent of all the cars we recovered last year being stolen using the keys, we remind every car owner to keep their keys safe at all times.” No matter where we are in the world, this is an important reminder to keep you and your vehicle safe.

Here is the list of the 10 most stolen and recovered vehicles in the UK in according to Tracker’s research:

Range Rover
Audi RS4
Audi TT
Mercedes-Benz SL
Mercedes-Benz CLK
Porsche 911
Volkswagen Golf
Mercedes-Benz ML

Source: Car Enthusiast

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