Video – Save the Manuals! by Car and Driver

U.S. surveys show that only less than 10% of new cars sold annually have manual transmissions — the rest are automatics. For BMW alone, they are starting to slowly deplete the manuals in their fleet in favor of the new 8-speed automatic transmissions because of its efficiency.

These are the cars from the BMW fleet that remain available with manual transmissions: 1 Series, 3 Series, 5 Series, 6 Series, X3, and Z4. Is BMW removing the right of the driver to experience sheer driving pleasure and control as their manual transmission vehicles become rare? This is the question that Car and Driver wanted to answer, and then solve. They have released this video as part of their campaign to save the manuals:


According to Car and Driver, saving the manual transmission vehicles are important because they are more fuel-efficient than automatic transmissions. It also is more safe, as it reduces the risk of texting or doing other things while driving that removes your concentration from the road. Aside from these reasons, the most important thing is that manual transmissions are fun to drive.

To prove that manuals are better than automatics when it comes to fuel efficiency, see the good comparison by Consumer Reports below:


So what do you prefer, automatics or manuals?

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