Videos: BMW Museum Isettas greets Audi

The Isetta has been a symbol of the BMW Museums. This time, BMW uses these little cars in an extensive marketing campaign in celebration of the first reopening anniversary. The fun marketing campaign is here to create buzz around the city and remind the citizens of Munich about the existence of the BMW Museum.

These short video clips starring the Isetta entitled “BMW Museum greets Munich” are also being dedicated to the Sixt car-rental company — a long-time partner of the BMW Museum.

[youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube] This last video is interesting because it targets BMW’s competitor, Audi. Though the reason behind this is still unclear. It might be because of the recent launch of the Audi A7 in the Munich Pinakotek der Moderne Museum — a strategic location very close to BMW Welt.


When BMW greets Audi with a lot of small Isettas, this only conveys one message: BMW does not fear Audi in any way. Audi continues to provoke and challenge BMW but BMW remains focused on maintaining their status as the world’s most successful premium auto manufacturer.

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