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World’s First Paddle-Shift > Sports Drive Mode!

Our members CBS has reported that SubZero has successfully done a world’s first into altering the mechanics of the paddle-shift function on his BMW 3 Series (E46) to switch to Sports mode, just by pulling up the two paddles!


For those people who have retrofitted an M3 SMG steering wheel onto their steptronic E46’s/E39’s, this mod eliminates the need to switch to Sports/Manual mode by flicking your gear lever to the left. Pull the “+” and “-” paddles together, and Sports/Manual mode will be activated. To switch back to Drive mode, simply pull both the paddles together again.

Subzero has tested a prototype version and the actual refined version on his own car for more than a month, and any unforseen problems have been thoroughly ironed out. The refined version is made of the best possible components according to him. Subzero is a renowned engineer who has won international accolades, and I believe him when he says that. This module is totally plug and play. No cutting or soldering is involved and installation takes 15 minutes. I’m very honoured to be the first car to be fitted with this mod besides his own.

You can check out more details here, and there’s even a cleverly narrated, demostration video to show how it works! And just for kicks, there’s a hilarious hokkien version on page 3.

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