
The BMW Group: Learning from crises, mastering challenges.

The BMW Group: Learning from crises, mastering challenges.

Over more than 100 years of history at the BMW Group, there have been many events that have presented the business with exceptional challenges – much like the current situation. Lots of highs and some lows have been encountered on the pathway from the modest aero-engine factory to the status …

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The new MINI Convertible Sidewalk and the beautiful colours of cherry blossom

The new MINI Convertible Sidewalk and the beautiful colours of cherry blossom

The blossoms are opening on the trees and the roof of the MINI Convertible is opening on the road. These are two clear signals showing that the yearned-for spring has finally sprung. Cherry blossom is one of the most beautiful recurring spectacles of nature and Japan is not the only …

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Maxi Mini: Driving the F60 Mini JCW Countryman ALL4

It finally happened. After more than 10 years with a blemish-free driving record, a letter arrived in the mail to relieve me of a good amount of money and an equally good amount of points. Yes, ladies and gents, I’ve been caught speeding. But, at least it wasn’t the worst …

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In Hemingway’s footsteps: driving the MINI Electric from South Beach to Key West

In Hemingway’s footsteps: driving the MINI Electric from South Beach to Key West

42 bridges link up the Florida Keys with each other. The string of islands located in the south of the Sunshine State is a very special type of hotspot for tourists. The local residents see themselves as unconventional free spirits who are famous for living by their everyday principles of …

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