Recent content by keithinsf

  1. keithinsf

    BMW.SG Decal 2011 - Indicate your interest now.

    Re: BMW.SG Decal 2011 - Indicate your interest now. Keith = 1pcs, thank you
  2. keithinsf

    Wider normal tyres vs. Narrower semi-slicks

    Re: Wider normal tyres vs. Narrower semi-slicks OIC, thanks for sharing, i am not alone :)
  3. keithinsf

    Wider normal tyres vs. Narrower semi-slicks

    Re: Wider normal tyres vs. Narrower semi-slicks Hi, i am using CSC 3 with staggered formation. My realised that my left back tyres worn off 50% more than the right back. The worn off is evenly distributed,therfore i assume that alignment is not an issue, i was wondering what is the cause...
  4. keithinsf

    E90 AC Schnitzer Frontlip

    Re: E90 AC Schnitzer Frontlip ok thanks guys! i will call when return singapore.
  5. keithinsf

    E90 AC Schnitzer Frontlip

    Re: E90 AC Schnitzer Frontlip Help help....i try SWC but he dont have it...:(
  6. keithinsf

    E90 AC Schnitzer Frontlip

    Hi Guys, My hartge front lips crashed, any idea where can i purchase ac schnitzer front lip? Thank you.
  7. keithinsf

    Car Jerk Forward when coming to a stop

    Re: Car Jerk Forward when coming to a stop Yes, i did the reprogramming last week, the transmission was smooth so far.
  8. keithinsf

    Car Jerk Forward when coming to a stop

    Re: Car Jerk Forward when coming to a stop Took me about 2-3 times of bugging. I managed to collect the car the same day but it was at 8pm.
  9. keithinsf

    Car Jerk Forward when coming to a stop

    Re: Car Jerk Forward when coming to a stop I had this problem since a year back...finally got PML to have the software was re-program recently during my servicing. Its was smooth for now.
  10. keithinsf

    LED for E90

    hey guys, I thought of getting this direct from US, do u think it will fit to our E90 with Angel eyes? MyCarr ICE for the BMW E90 Sedan Any bimmer has this brand done up? Appericate any comment, thank you & have a nice weekend.
  11. keithinsf

    White Angel Eyes from Lux?

    Re: White Angel Eyes from Lux? Oh ok, auto mode is for my wife as women always forget to switch on lights when driving at night...:)
  12. keithinsf

    White Angel Eyes from Lux?

    Re: White Angel Eyes from Lux? Thanks for the reply Sliver. It blink only when the engine start, so when u on the lights, it will not blink right? I was wondering what if u turn on the car using your remote (the light switch is on auto mode)? Normally the ring marker will light up when u use...
  13. keithinsf

    White Angel Eyes from Lux?

    Re: White Angel Eyes from Lux? Silveric, i noticed that yr ring marker blinking for at least 10 sec before stablised. Is there something that we can do without the blinking?
  14. keithinsf

    Replacement of Yellow Ring Xenon Light to Blue on E90

    Re: Replacement of Yellow Ring Xenon Light to Blue on E90 Ok, Thanks mate.
  15. keithinsf

    Replacement of Yellow Ring Xenon Light to Blue on E90

    Can we change the yellow ring light to blue on Xenon light for E90? I would appericate if any bro can advice where can i get this done, thank you.