Recent content by pixxloxx

  1. P

    WTB: E46 Cabriolet

    Hey guys & gals, I am looking to buy a 320 or 325 Cabriolet. If anyone has suggestions or cabs for sale, please PM me.. thanks all :cloud9:
  2. P

    Need advice on 325CiA Cabrio sale

    Re: Need advice on 325CiA Cabrio sale pg7170: looks like you've seen this car before.. :)
  3. P

    Need advice on 325CiA Cabrio sale

    Re: Need advice on 325CiA Cabrio sale Thanks guys, I had a test drive of it, with the hood down, so seems like the hood mechanism still works fine.. the rest of the car's condition seems good.. the seller quite a nice guy. pg7170: Since it has had 3 owners, what price would be best to...
  4. P

    Need advice on 325CiA Cabrio sale

    Re: Need advice on 325CiA Cabrio sale Its the light blue "330" one. Registration Sept 03. Mileage around 65k. 18" AC rims, and some other mods i think. Worth it or not????
  5. P

    Need advice on 325CiA Cabrio sale

    Hey there... someone offering to sell me a 325 cabrio for 132k. Just coming up to 3 years old. OMV 54k, COE 31k. Is this a good deal? Should I buy it??????? hands itchy, so need advice desperately :D cheers
  6. P

    FS: Connects2 Adaptor for MP3 CD Changer

    including delivery, the adapter alone costs $200+. regards
  7. P

    FS: Connects2 Adaptor for MP3 CD Changer

    ordered it direct from in the UK. It took a while to get here, had to pay delivery charges.. and then 2mths later, sold my ride! :( c'est la vie!
  8. P

    FS: Connects2 Adaptor for MP3 CD Changer

    Hi Tanzy, In answer to your pin configuration question - Yes. This is how it is installed: 1. Unplug the current cable from the current CD changer 2. Plug current cable to Connects2 adapter 3. Connects2 adapter has a cable that connects to the new CD changer. I can recommend an...
  9. P

    FS: Connects2 Adaptor for MP3 CD Changer

    The way the adapter works is to sit before the CD Changer. Any signals from the original HU, including the steering wheel controls are converted to a code understood by the new MP3 CD changer. Hence, each adapter is made to be compatible with a certain brand of CD changer. As it is, the...
  10. P

    FS: Sony MP3 Changer & floor mats for E46!

    The mats are for E46, sedan.. But fits into my previous Cabrio. The front left and right are all standard (i think), wheras the only difference is for the rear left, which has a thin strip which extends to the right side. But in the cabrio, all i did was fold this back (didn't cut it). BMW...