Recent content by spoon_civic

  1. S

    Parts for 335 for sale . . .

    M3 side mirror with carbon fibre cover n blue mirror selling for $1500.Bought new from PML for close to $3000.Cobb access port $450.Parts r taken out from 335 coupe.Interested pls whatsapp me at 96665654.tks
  2. S

    Recaro spg 3

    Re: Recaro spg 3 Upzzzzzzzzzzz
  3. S

    Christmas Sales . . . . .

    1- M3 side mirror with carbon cover(bought frm PML 3k excluding carbon fibre cover)(autofold,autodim) - $1900 2- Stett oil cooler - $1000 3- Copp accessport (only 4 N54,N55) - $500 All parts used for less than a year. Interested pls SMS me at 82632040.tks
  4. S

    Recaro spg 3

    Selling recaro spg3 with e92 335i railing Used less den 1mth Bought brand new frm miki marketing. Selling due to selling of car. $2250 Interested pls call me @ 9120088eight
  5. S

    WTS : 335 goodies

    Re: WTS : 335 goodies updated . . .
  6. S

    WTS : 335 goodies

    Re: WTS : 335 goodies If i'm not wrong,Eng Soon sellin $2100 for normal mirror n non-carbon.Extra $435(incl GST) for 1 side autodim mirror
  7. S

    WTS : 335 goodies

    Re: WTS : 335 goodies updated . . . .
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    WTS : 335 goodies

    Re: WTS : 335 goodies Updated . . . . .
  9. S

    WTS : 335 goodies

    Re: WTS : 335 goodies All parts used for less than a year . . . .
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    WTS : 335 goodies

    Re: WTS : 335 goodies for N54 . . . . .
  11. S

    WTS : 335 goodies

    1 - Red colour 6/4 AP brake kit (frt 355mm,rear 345mm) - $4000 SOLD 2 - M3 side mirror with carbon cover(bought frm PML 3k excluding carbon fibre cover)(autofold,autodim) - $1900 3 - Stett oil cooler - $1000 4 - Copp...
  12. S

    WTS Original M3 19" Light alloy wheel set

    Re: WTS Original M3 19" Light alloy wheel set Can fit 335?
  13. S

    WTS. Original M5 rims.(staggered)

    M5 rims w 2 rear tires. Sprayed to glossy black. looking at 1.7k. plz call me at 90603964 if u are interested. No kerb rash or scratch. thanks.
  14. S

    WTS:M5 side mirror

    Brand new M5 side mirror selling for $2500 NETT.Only suitable for E60 key start.Pm me.Tks