Recent content by xfactor78

  1. X


    where is the place? Any contact no.?
  2. X

    Early Morning Roar

    Thanks for the reply. Is it something I should be concerned with?
  3. X


    Hello everyone, I'm Xfactor78 I had previously owned a E30 beemer with a straight six engine, and I must say, what a joy it is to drive(manual). I am into the world of finance and business, always keen to lend a ear if there are interesting topics to hear or discuss.
  4. X

    Early Morning Roar

    The sound is likely from the engine. But if i switch it off and restart, its fine though.
  5. X

    Early Morning Roar

    Hi guys, New to this forum, just need to check with the experts if anyone came across their E46 giving a roaring sound in the morning upon starting the ignition?