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  1. davidmax

    G30 owners please fall in!

    Hope G30 B48 engine don't have any engine misfire issue otherwise the engine will shut down anytime when we're driving
  2. davidmax

    G30 owners please fall in!

    Another issue will be our B pillar ...any driver realize that's a smell from both side of the B pillar for 530i M sport package
  3. davidmax

    G30 owners please fall in!

    PML do realize the engine vibration is a issue but they still can't resolve my issue up to now
  4. davidmax

    G30 owners please fall in!

    PML spend two day to check and conclusion is "Can't identify the problem" so that's why i need to find a qualified BMW service team in Singapore to check the mentioned issue. I guess most of the G30 driver do have such issue but they thought is normal
  5. davidmax

    G30 owners please fall in!

    Thank @Silly5 for the advice .... will try to get the second opinion since they don't know how to resolve the G30 B48 Engine vibration issue
  6. davidmax

    G30 owners please fall in!

    yup...can feel the engine vibration for both driver and passenger seat ....PML take two day to check but don't know how to resolve the issue. Any other qualified specialist know how to diagnose the B48 engine in SG ?
  7. davidmax

    G30 owners please fall in!

    Any bro PML 530i G30 with B48 engine can feel the engine vibration when stationary?