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    F07 reviews

    I am considering a used 535GT. Tested the car , power is good and the handling is better than I thought tho the car stands taller than most rides. Any GT owners here for review? The rear space is a major draw for me.
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    Rolex Rubber Replacement band - Everest Band

    Does anyone where to get the everest rubber band for rolex? Or any nice rubber band which can possibly use back the same rolex clasp
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    Front lower control arm

    Last week, a mechanic mentioned my front lower control arms are damaged while doing alignment but told me it's not critical. Can't really comprehend that, seriously what's the effect of a damaged front lower arm
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    Education level and equivalent

    Guys, I need some advice I been trying verify out what's the equivalent to GCE 'N' level? NTC 3 is consider equivalent? Any source to verify? MOE website not useful at all.
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    bmw branding

    Move Over Toyota
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    Advice on " failed " insurance claim

    Hi guys i need some advice / opinion on the above. In 2008 , i met an accident in which a motorcycle knock my car in the rear. We both made our report respectively. My workshop replaced my bumper and proceeded to claim against his insurance. There were some disputes and an offer of 50%...
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    Lighter charger

    anyone knows where to repair other than PML?
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    BVO or Juzz for cars

    My E60 warranty has expired and i dont think i wanna go back PML due to the advance booking and fact i need to leave my car for the entire day. I've shortlisted the above 2 workshop to do my servicing. Just wondering any comments on them?
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    US economic situation in a nutshell

    Gear up for a global economic apocalypse And stock up yr goldbar!
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    Velocity for sale

    Just taken out from wife's 320 - 4 stages option - asking $350 Pm for enquiry unit sold..
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    Respraying 323 in alpine white

    Can anyone recommend a good workshop to respray a 323 apline white from another colour and the costing? or is it simply not advisable to do so?