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  1. fiona's models

    BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday

    Re: BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday pai say :( next time i'll make sure they don't wear accessories. but do hope to have a chance to do photo shoot with you guys again. then i will know who is who liao. haha....... still waiting for more photos though :yummie:
  2. fiona's models

    BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday

    Re: BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday joseph, where my photos? i so gan cheong want to see :D
  3. fiona's models

    BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday

    Re: BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday oh yah, u r so right!! sorry sorry sorry. I'll remember to ask them to take out all accessories when doing car photo shoots. damn pai say. sorry sorry.
  4. fiona's models

    BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday

    Re: BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday chey!!!!! :lol2:
  5. fiona's models

    BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday

    Re: BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday hehe :p whats that scale thing? aiyah, we gals dunno about all these, only know exterior nice can liao :D
  6. fiona's models

    BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday

    Re: BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday erm, we drop and lost an evo 10 there. anyone saw it? :lol2:
  7. fiona's models

    BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday

    Re: BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday yup yup guys, no more crude jokes on the models k? gum xia!! :oops:
  8. fiona's models

    BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday

    Re: BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday hahaha, poor bobby! lets see when you start calling me fiona mama, means you become my son in law liao. hahaha :lol2: ok, no more crude jokes k, not nice to the models guys :yummie:
  9. fiona's models

    BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday

    Re: BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday its up to them to give lah :)
  10. fiona's models

    BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday

    Re: BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday haha, yah hor! :lol2:
  11. fiona's models

    BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday

    Re: BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday haha, yah, my bf, and my boss lah. he sponsor me to start this company. his name is baba. he said you guys were real friendly people too :) and yah, when we have events, either he or me will go round to jaga the gals :) we are both...
  12. fiona's models

    BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday

    Re: BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday hahaha! yah lor! but he very sincere lah. then i tell the model to msg me when she's home. then our bobby quickly say she will sure reach home safely. haha, so cute lah he.:nehnehhh:
  13. fiona's models

    BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday

    Re: BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday haha, no lah, he's sincere and upfront, no need to hide hide :nehnehhh:
  14. fiona's models

    BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday

    Re: BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday he's mine, hand off! :cloud9: hahaha :laughlik:
  15. fiona's models

    BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday

    Re: BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday i should thank you guys for making the effort to come down. hope to do another photo shoot with you all again. and we missed out one thing. should have taken a group photos with all the car owners and models.
  16. fiona's models

    BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday

    Re: BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday haha, i think bobby can be bouncer better than model. sure, i will send you guys the photos once i have the whole collection yah.
  17. fiona's models

    BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday

    Re: BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday hahaha. ok, any contacting that happens after the photo shoot, not within my control liao hor. its normal, after photo shoot, or events, sure got people ask for model's number. and you so cute lor, can some more ask her number in front of...
  18. fiona's models

    BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday

    Re: BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday haha, just want to ca jiao him :P sure, will email you. and of cos you can. post any photos you like. you can even name us if you want :D
  19. fiona's models

    BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday

    Re: BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday anyway guys, i am collecting and consolidating all the photos. if you want me to send you copies of all the photos, just pm me your email address. i will update you when i have the whole collections. but just agentle reminder that you...
  20. fiona's models

    BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday

    Re: BMW Club Sandy Photo Shoot 23th November Sunday hahaha, bobbie, u so cute! wanna be my model?? :p
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