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  1. J

    What BMW do you drive NOW?

    Re: jetschin, what BMW do you drive NOW? 523i:yummie:
  2. J

    water seeping in under doors & repairing door interiors

    Re: water seeping in under doors & repairing door interiors 0 There is an impermeable membrane just next to the door panel. This membrance is glued to the door panel all-round so that water will drain directly through the drainage holes at bottom of door. Due to shoddy workmanship on the...
  3. J

    1997 E39 Problems

    The airbags sensor lights up. Had changed the seat belt sensor last year and re-set sensors too. Now it happens again. Anyone care to share similar problem? Also kind of plastic bracket near seat adjustment lever always break apart. Driver's self-weight is enough to break the bracket. Common...