Search results

  1. N

    MWTS: E60 523i parts

    Re: MWTS: E60 523i parts hey, would you be scraping your car? If you are, can i do a swap with your headlamp sets?
  2. N

    WTS: E60 items

    Re: WTS: E60 items Is the headlights still available? Pm you too..
  3. N

    BMW WORLD 2014 - Marina Bay Sands

    Re: BMW WORLD 2014 - Marina Bay Sands $6 per entry applicable to Saturday as well? Intending to go tomorrow afternoon..
  4. N

    WTB: E90 stock absorber front and rear

    Re: WTB: E90 stock absorber front and rear Not sure if taobao is a gd option for you. I ordered 2front absorbers, considered pretty cheap to me but not sure if the quality is gd... :P
  5. N


    Re: Introduction! Not too extensive so I think it's ok. I'm looking to fix the auto locking issue on my front passenger door and also the cigarette outlet is spoilt. Anyone know where n how I can get this fixed?
  6. N


    Re: Introduction! parts of the car already done by previous owners le.. :P
  7. N


    Hi everyone!, Just gotten myself a pre-loved 320i 2006. Looking for more info within this forum to maintain the car. :) i stay in the east too!