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  1. hamburger

    E60 525i Engine Vibration

    Need not guess so much. Plug in the obd II and the answer is there.
  2. hamburger

    E60 LCI no audio

    Sounds like the amp has gone.
  3. hamburger

    Mechatronics solenoid replacement for ol' E60

    aiyo.....why not just openly share the cost. Good things must share mah.
  4. hamburger

    WTS: E60 items

    Re: WTS: E60 items interested in your rear spoiler. What colour may that be???
  5. hamburger

    Wanting to get e60 from e90

    Re: Wanting to get e60 from e90 why not a 08 e60 lei???
  6. hamburger

    Drop RFT or not???

    Re: Drop RFT or not??? sorry for the confusion caused. its $400 for 4pcs of tyre which is used f.or around 7k
  7. hamburger

    Drop RFT or not???

    Re: Drop RFT or not??? price seems fair to me as its around 1/3 price of new.
  8. hamburger

    Drop RFT or not???

    does it make sense to sell off my 225/50/17 Pirelli Cinturato P7 RFT (at least 70% new) at $400/set and get a normal one. i find RFT not to my liking.
  9. hamburger

    The Rim Destroyer...

    Re: The Rim Destroyer... true, rims if left unwashed over a period of time will habe the brake dust eat into it and would be extremely difficult to get rid the next time.
  10. hamburger

    The Rim Destroyer...

    Re: The Rim Destroyer... Dish washing liquid. Dont see the need for special liquids to wash rims. polishing products for wiping off stains.
  11. hamburger

    Coming 5 years old E60

    Re: Coming 5 years old E60 its more of a general knowledge but i remember most door pillar has a indicative pressure for car speed over 160km/h, for most makes.
  12. hamburger

    Coming 5 years old E60

    Re: Coming 5 years old E60 refer to car on left & right with the same load but different speed.
  13. hamburger

    Coming 5 years old E60

    Re: Coming 5 years old E60 refer to car on left & right with the same load but different speed.
  14. hamburger

    Coming 5 years old E60

    Re: Coming 5 years old E60 btw, a puntured tyre will blow if travelling at speeds which the tyre is unable to hold the high pressure and temperature due to lack of tyre pressure within the tyre.
  15. hamburger

    Coming 5 years old E60

    Re: Coming 5 years old E60 what you shared is exactly what many taya man thinks, it is totally wrong. look at your B pillar and see what it says about taya pressure recommendation at speed over 160km/h. A car taya is not a balloon.
  16. hamburger

    Coming 5 years old E60

    Re: Coming 5 years old E60 yes, i will inflate my tyre to a higher pressure of at least 34-36 psi when i go in excess of 160km/h or beyond. high speed=higher pressure & temperature within the tyre. therefore, you need more air in the tyre to sustain that higher pressure and temperature. It...
  17. hamburger

    Coming 5 years old E60

    Re: Coming 5 years old E60 frankly i trust my own judgement than taya man.
  18. hamburger

    Coming 5 years old E60

    Re: Coming 5 years old E60 with reference to statement in green, so in terms of handling NRF would out perform a RFT i presume. frankly i would get a premium tyre like CSC5 or PS3 and inflate it higher if i needed to go fast.
  19. hamburger

    Coming 5 years old E60

    Re: Coming 5 years old E60 for the LCI model that runs on RFT, anyone here chose to fit a non FRT??? Seriously, FRT is rather harsh and if replaced with a normal one, will it affect the ride too much and becomes too soft ????
  20. hamburger

    Coming 5 years old E60

    Re: Coming 5 years old E60 so yours needed to suck it out too as there was no bolt that can drain out the old oil?