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  1. S

    salam bro, saw ur posting that you just got a used 216D GT. just wanted to know, how is it so...

    salam bro, saw ur posting that you just got a used 216D GT. just wanted to know, how is it so far ya, ok tak? Is your car still under warranty, if not, is the maintenance cost very high? In terms of workshop, are there specific workshops to go to, since this is a diesel engine?
  2. S

    216d Grand Tourer

    Hi can add me to the telegram pls? considering a used 216D GT, would like to find out more on it. @swatdila
  3. S

    2 Series Active Tourer Owners, Fall In!

    Hi morning, i am considering getting a used 216D so am trying to do some research. Found this forum but seems the discussions are in telegram ya. Can i request to be added in the telegram grp pls? @swatdila