1 More year ...How?


Well-Known Member
Yo fellow bros,

I think there are a number of bros out there still driving pre-fl E46 318i like myself and their COE nearing the five year in say 6-10 months. As we still under the old Parf system, after 5th year paper value decreases etc etc. further COE then compared to now miles apart so paper value is quite high. my car to me still good and i love the ride.very sai-yang as i know the car sure kenna exported. So the question now is whether to change or not and when.

am sure many bros here had similar situation and have decided one way or other. painful or not?

so if u can bear with me.....just wanna hear some views from fellow bimmer owners.

THANKS in advance man!!!!
Re: 1 More year ...How?

Hi Bro,

Me facing same decision problem...but again it depends on the sell price of my current ride & also any further reduction of the ARF on new cars(based on rumour) b4 the GE. Can anyone advise what is a reasonable value to accept from dealers for the body value of e46 dec01 318 now

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