1st Gear full acceleration, shudder from motor.


Well-Known Member
E46 325i Step...

only in 1st gear upon full accleration, then it revs to about 3.5-4.5k RPM it feels like there is a slight hesitation/shudder from the motor.

other gears are fine, only happens on full accleration.

whats the problem here???
I used to get it on my 2.5L as well..

I reckoned it to be that the DISA change from the short inteke to the long intake, causing the slight hesitation but the shuddering, i have got no explaination

It was more pronounced after i got the pullies. Checked with PML and they don find anything wrong with it... After a while ( like 6 months), either i am numb to it or it just dissapeared..
You got it wrong. Disa does not exist in E46s. For the hesitation at 4.5rpm, mine is in 2nd gear not first gear. All 6 pots have the problem... I think
I dunno if what I feel is the same, but when I floor the throttle in 1st and 2nd gear, I can feel/hear a very slight sudder from the tranny, or driveshafts.

Wondering whether its bushing wear, or other problems. Only apparent under full bore.
for shuddering, maybe you can check your tranny/engine mounts.

russo, why do you say the disa doesnt exist in e46? you can see it when you open your bonnet, no? could you explain further?
Re: 1st Gear full acceleration, shudder from motor.

I had the same problem after changing my plugs gen2 iridium OWS.. tot its a misfire or something...
Weird though... i switched off my aircon.. rev it again and its fine..

Is there something to do with the power distribution during full load (aircon On)?

danielO said:
E46 325i Step...

only in 1st gear upon full accleration, then it revs to about 3.5-4.5k RPM it feels like there is a slight hesitation/shudder from the motor.

other gears are fine, only happens on full accleration.

whats the problem here???
russo said:
You got it wrong. Disa does not exist in E46s. For the hesitation at 4.5rpm, mine is in 2nd gear not first gear. All 6 pots have the problem... I think

The DISA i mentioned is the dual stage manifold switch for the long/short airflow. It's technical name is "adjustment unit" if i am not wrong... This is found in all E46 6cyc.

The switchover from short to long flow comes in around 3700rpm and hence the slight loss in pressure due to the change. The result usually cause a dip in torque curve, which is felt by a slight lag..

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