After changing 8pin trans there is a melt down


it started with no forward gears only reverse and opening up one other box with the same problem and finding out it was only the pump that needed an over haul on the 8pin trans mean time the car has no been sitting for about 6 months. started it back up ok went ok but I found the bmw to be slugish, about the same before the trans went not knowing any different it's the first one I've owned. Have changed the spark plugs and oils. Now it is missing keeps on cutting out or going to, like it's not getting enough petrol or to much.
trouble starting. went through a stage of blowing blue smoke for a couple of starts within a week. good compression still on all pots.
Had someone look at it and he unplugged the petrol, air and one other sensor at different times to see if there was any difference and I ended up replacing the petrol sensor but the problem now was getting worse so I put the old sensor back on and it is getting even worse than before.....oh had taken the spark plugs out and a lot of fuel was coming out of only a couple of pots.I don't want to start replacing the whole fuel system could it be the injectors? the pump?another sensor. any responce is better than taking it out peace by peace to find the fault.
In the budget to a garage in a few weeks.

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