alignment - whats the diff ?


Well-Known Member
one particular shop charge $85 (Sin Ming) .. say its different from those who charge $60.

any difference ?
Re: alignment - whats the diff ?

I have used a few. The best i know is CK Motors AMK autopoint. Many of the major distributors go there when they have complex problems to fix. My Yoko AVS has done 15K and is perfectly even so far! And, yes, you will be surprised at the differences......
Re: alignment - whats the diff ?

opvaulet said:
I have used a few. The best i know is CK Motors AMK autopoint. Many of the major distributors go there when they have complex problems to fix. My Yoko AVS has done 15K and is perfectly even so far! And, yes, you will be surprised at the differences......

The original msg has been deleted. I went to Kian Teong at Sin Ming Autocare #01-08, listed in our workshop list.
Young boss went for a short spin with me. Explained technical stuff along the way. Explain the charges and wat
it means to do alignment, wat to check for.

Electronic alignment...i saw all the gadgets, the computer etc. Good service. Explained all the readings...
mechanic tested after alignment. Good service...not to mention free drink haha...
$60 no regrets... dunno about tyre wear yet but wud be glad to refer to anyone who likes good service.
Re: alignment - whats the diff ?

according to BMW specification, appropriate weights have to be added to the car for the a decent alignment. you can have the camber, toe and thrust line adjusted. perhaps that is the diff between those that charges $60 and those that charges $80-100.
Re: alignment - whats the diff ?

opvaulet said:
I have used a few. The best i know is CK Motors AMK autopoint. Many of the major distributors go there when they have complex problems to fix. My Yoko AVS has done 15K and is perfectly even so far! And, yes, you will be surprised at the differences......

Hi !

Can I have the full address for CK Motors AMK autopoint :)

I plan to drop by to take a look :)

Thanks in advance.

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