Replicas can look like just like the real thing and are often lighter than the real thing. 10 out of 10 times it will also be very much cheaper than the real thing. Whether the replicas are as strong as the real thing, I don't know. I won't drive hard or track on replicas. That is not to say that real things are that sturdy or strong to begin with.
Also, if you kerb the replica, you can easily change a new one. At most the damage done is $400. Whereas if you damage a real rim that costs $1400, I think you will feel like killing yourself.
If you have very snooty friends, then better not to get replicas or they will laugh at you. Alternatively, get the replicas and find new friends.
Also, if you kerb the replica, you can easily change a new one. At most the damage done is $400. Whereas if you damage a real rim that costs $1400, I think you will feel like killing yourself.
If you have very snooty friends, then better not to get replicas or they will laugh at you. Alternatively, get the replicas and find new friends.