Ang Mo cyclist


Active Member
Hi ppl,

Just wanted to relate an experience which happened to me last Sat afternoon.

Would like to know how the rest of you guys would react.

I was driving on the second lane, turning right, there is this cyclist on the leftmost lane, turning right as well. As I was the second car, I just follow the car in front of me while turning, all of a sudden, this ang mo cyclist cut into my lane while turning, causing me to jam brakes and of course I horned him, once, to show my displeasure.

I proceeded to drive and stop at the next red light. This ang mo then rode up to my left, and hammered on my side window panel 3 times!!! :furious: So hard that the window is shaking!!! I was furious!!! He immediately rode off zig zaggin thru the slow traffic. I overtook him and slowed down, he slowed down too. Due to traffic behind me, I did not stop to confront him. Also because my parents are in the car. My dad is pissed, and wanted to sue him.

That aside, I am wondering what will the ppl here do if faced with such a situation? Do you take your baseball bat and bash the living hell out of this FT? Or call the police? What if he refuse to wait till the police to arrive?

Re: Ang Mo cyclist

Get out of the car and invite him to a mature chat! No need for police involvement here. All he did was knock on your window.
Re: Ang Mo cyclist

wind down ur window and ask him" how is his mother" then zoom off leaving him some carbon monoxide to inhale. heehee
Re: Ang Mo cyclist

Catch up with him and knock back on his bike lor. Eye for eye. Ride for ride. But be prepared to hoot back if he thinks he can makan you.
Re: Ang Mo cyclist

I will call Tua Jia Rod to "Ji Ke" him and ask Joe bin to burn his elbow with lighter. Chow Ang moh.
Re: Ang Mo cyclist

I have nothing constructive to add except that of late, I've been seeing a lot of inconsiderate cyclists. I don't know if it's because the weather is better so many are opting to cycle or whether I have a big neon sign on my car which says "Idiot-Cyclists->Please-Piss-Me-Off".

For example, I almost bumped into a cyclist the other day because he was swaying from side-to-side. Why, you wonder? This dodo was cycling while holding an umbrella!!! I mean... do these people have a deathwish?!?
Re: Ang Mo cyclist

be thankful in Singapore you dont have wanker cyclists who ride on the right lane of an expressway. In K.L, My cousin flashed the guy when he got the shock of his life seeing a cyclist on the right lane of Penchala Link Expressway. ANd the dumb fuk braked and looked behind. My cousin jammed break and hit his cycle and he flew into the drain in the middle. Luckily, the drain was filled iwth alot of water due to the monsoon and he was not badly hurt.

Nevertheless, i agree that this Ang Moh shud be reported for his idiocracy. Most of these ppl who come here anyway thinks they are much smarter and higher than the locals. Ppl like Orh lulu should show them the localized context of "Simi Lanjio".
Re: Ang Mo cyclist

Brace yourselves, guys --- we are going to get a LOT more of this shit from ang mos and from singaporeans who got a BA in political science from foreign universities --- all the "look at me I'm saving the planet while you stupid people produce carbon dioxide so I'm so much morally superior to you" morons. I'm just waiting for one of these idiots to write to the ST demanding that all cars producing more than 120 gm/km of CO2 should be banned from our that clown who wanted all petrol with higher octane than 92 to be outlawed. There's going to be more and more of this kind of self-righteous crap, so be ready to write back to the ST when the holier-than-thou brigade get started.
Re: Ang Mo cyclist

encountered ang moh before...tried to 'eat' me...did somethings...ended up ang moh panicked...and ran...
didn't let it rest...wrote to TP...TP tracked e bugger down...asked if wanted proceed with civil suit...where got time...TP said they will give e bugger a warning instead...

if we get more of this FT shit...then perhaps the Cabinet should be reminded again of our citizenship privileges...

just a note...not all Ang Mohs are like face I have met many whom have a calmer demeanour than our local drivers...
its just some false sense of superiority some of these guys have when they come here on better terms when back home they would be taking the tube...not helped by our local colonial master mentality...

then again...not all are coming here on expat terms anymore...not surprising to see some ang moh heartlanders now...
Re: Ang Mo cyclist

i will give the cyclist space when i m in the car...he knock u nothing wrong..u knock him he surely die. a cyclist is a slow moving vehicle. he has as much right to use the roads as motorists do. also its not advisable to horn at cyclist....his contact with the road is only 1 inch of tyre....u hv no idea how loud ur bmw horn can cause him to jump. i m not saying he is in the right...i dunno the situation. all i m saying is that drivers shud think of cyclists as another slow moving vehicle...wait a bit wun kill u...rush it n u may kill him.
Re: Ang Mo cyclist

Ang Mor or not, there are more and more of these stoopid and inconsiderate cyclists on our roads these days especially those Lance Armstrong wannabes who cycle in pairs taking up an entire lane.
Re: Ang Mo cyclist

He did not merely knock my windows, he hammered it with his fist!!! Three times!! Damn hard!!! The whole window was vibrating!!! That's what pisses me off.

TP can track him down? How? I wrote to TP already, no replies from them yet. Anyone here with contacts that I can write to in order to get better sensible replies?

Re: Ang Mo cyclist

if i driving my BMW,than lah lah only can see him happy papaya slowly riding off in his ang mo bicycle.

if i driving my company pick up,than i will drive up alongside with him and bang him off the road.

if he unconscious than i stop and call ambulance and police and tell them the bugger bang into me.

if he conscious and start banging my pick up asking me to get down,i will drive to nearest police station and report ang mo threatened to kill me so have to run away from accident scene.

Re: Ang Mo cyclist

Actually most Ang Mos who have lived here long enough think that we locals are low-lifers on a drip. They scorn at our government and our "military-styled" system. This pales against the first time they arrived on our shores. Back then, they were fascinated by how a small island with 75% slit-eyed, yellow-skinned work horses has evolved into a world class mega city state.

I have a few expatriate ex-colleagues from Europe who behaved the same way! I never spared them whenever they did that Singapore-bashing thingy. Give them no face if the same happen to you!
Re: Ang Mo cyclist

Yah, tell them that if they can't stand it in Singapore (or ride a bike without getting hooted), they can head home. Truth is, most of them think that Singapore is paradise (low taxes, great food, great women *cough* and sunny weather).
Re: Ang Mo cyclist

Jase;176628 said:
Yah, tell them that if they can't stand it in Singapore (or ride a bike without getting hooted), they can head home. Truth is, most of them think that Singapore is paradise (low taxes, great food, great women *cough* and sunny weather).

I must admit after IMF, with the government planning for escorts and all, there is great women after all. No need to cough la..Its already been planned. hahahha... Our SPG (Sarong Party Girl) will be back in business. :lol2:
Re: Ang Mo cyclist

aiya u guys r turning this into a mud slinging session on ang mos....which isnt very fair i feel and completely out of point...who knows the car in question may hv been impatient whatever. liks i said...there r so many variables...why focus on his skin colour...? do u think we singaporeans r good drivers? pls la...we r terrible compared to out neighbour up north. do drivers here treat cyclists like any other rightful road users...i think the answer is a big NO for most...

i did no, until i started riding a bicycle. i used to think that i paid road tax they i am king. only when i started riding then i realised why drivers of big cars, taxis, buses...behave like thugs n bullies. ya sure i get angry....bcos my life is at stake here. i dun expect the govt to build bike lanes cos we dun hv the space....and we cant ride on pavements cos we get fined. cycling along ECP is not serious what do u expect cyclist to do? ya sure....riding side by side is definitely wrong and some cyclists do that. well there r good n bad drivers too. but pls be reminded that u share the roads with all bmw no big fcuk....he bang ur glass..he may be wrong...but who knows what u really did to pissed him off. who really knows......he may be posting in his bike forum about how this arsehole sibei haolian..tried to bully him.....hohohohoho..
Re: Ang Mo cyclist

I agree - let's back off on the ang mo bashing.

I think it's all about poor courtesy on the road and it's not limited to cyclists. Drivers of cars and other vehicles are just as bad. If we all took some effort to get our act together, the roads may be a safer (and happier) place.

'nuff said.
Re: Ang Mo cyclist

totoseow;176635 said:
aiya u guys r turning this into a mud slinging session on ang mos....which isnt very fair i feel and completely out of point...who knows the car in question may hv been impatient whatever. liks i said...there r so many variables...why focus on his skin colour...? do u think we singaporeans r good drivers? pls la...we r terrible compared to out neighbour up north. do drivers here treat cyclists like any other rightful road users...i think the answer is a big NO for most...

i did no, until i started riding a bicycle. i used to think that i paid road tax they i am king. only when i started riding then i realised why drivers of big cars, taxis, buses...behave like thugs n bullies. ya sure i get angry....bcos my life is at stake here. i dun expect the govt to build bike lanes cos we dun hv the space....and we cant ride on pavements cos we get fined. cycling along ECP is not serious what do u expect cyclist to do? ya sure....riding side by side is definitely wrong and some cyclists do that. well there r good n bad drivers too. but pls be reminded that u share the roads with all bmw no big fcuk....he bang ur glass..he may be wrong...but who knows what u really did to pissed him off. who really knows......he may be posting in his bike forum about how this arsehole sibei haolian..tried to bully him.....hohohohoho..

You are absolutely right. I only stated that he is an ang mo, and I did not mention anything about skin colour.

Yes indeed, he might think that I am wrong for not letting him ride all he wants, but the truth of the fact is, I did not touch him or his vehicle. Yet he hammered my windows, he could have ask me to stop over and confront me, why must he hammer my windows so hard? And when I slow down in front of him, he stopped, why? Since he is so right, he could have confronted me there and then? Why must he stop and keep a distance from me?

I am not angry that he is unhappy about me horning him, I am very unhappy that he hammer my windows! Hope this clears the air, I am not haolian or cocky by showing him that I drive a BMW. Who knows he drives a ferrari, but does that give him the right to hammer on the windows of my car?
Re: Ang Mo cyclist

... and to add to Drag00n's post, the cyclist could've been brown, white or black (or any other colors in between). So, this ain't an ang mo issue.

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