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Any E36 M3 in SG and for sale?


Well-Known Member
just wondering are there any e36 m3 in SG coz i've never encounter before.
If yes, are there any owners who're selling theirs?
Interested buyer here =]
Re: Any E36 M3 in SG and for sale?

hello Javiero...haha
welcome man... i seriously dun think there are, esven if there were, they'd be really really rare
Re: Any E36 M3 in SG and for sale?

there is a E46 imola red m3 for sale :p
Re: Any E36 M3 in SG and for sale?

There is a Avus blue one around ... saw it couple of times along sin ming and Thomson road ... you will not miss it becos it has MIII tag behind .. wonder if the driver frequent this forum as well
Re: Any E36 M3 in SG and for sale?

I know that there is at least one Blue E36 M3 in Singapore. Owned by a German chap who was my neighbour. The car is serviced by J4Cars. The car use to belong to another BMW-SG forum member.
Re: Any E36 M3 in SG and for sale?

There are now less than 10 e36 M3s left in Singapore. Most have either been exported or the owners are not letting go of them. Its a hard car to find.
Re: Any E36 M3 in SG and for sale?

Tanzy said:
I know that there is at least one Blue E36 M3 in Singapore. Owned by a German chap who was my neighbour. The car is serviced by J4Cars. The car use to belong to another BMW-SG forum member.

It's got Schmidt rims too rite?
Seen that car with the owner too at J4C before.
Re: Any E36 M3 in SG and for sale?

Yup! Schmidt rims and an uber rare M3 Evolution 3.2L engine inside!
Re: Any E36 M3 in SG and for sale?

hi louis...

to SEI: e46 m3 too 'heavy' for me =P

ermm...so...i doubt any on sale now?
just wanna check...if there's one on sale, wad kinda depreciation u guys reckon it will be?
Re: Any E36 M3 in SG and for sale?

Rarer than E46 M3s......you wan real M3 or poser? Lots of M3 posers here. Keke
Re: Any E36 M3 in SG and for sale?

chairoger said:
Rarer than E46 M3s......you wan real M3 or poser? Lots of M3 posers here. Keke
wow u guys hav poster??can i hav 1?how much??
Re: Any E36 M3 in SG and for sale?

MRacer77 said:
There are now less than 10 e36 M3s left in Singapore. Most have either been exported or the owners are not letting go of them. Its a hard car to find.
wow that rare....how many E46 M3 are there so far?
Re: Any E36 M3 in SG and for sale?

wat are we gonna do bout ya nicholas....tsktsk
end OT

on a side note, seriously, are there any e36 m3 owners in this forum....would love to meet them since i drive the e36 as well, totally adore the car...
Re: Any E36 M3 in SG and for sale?

I own 2!

but all in the US :)
Re: Any E36 M3 in SG and for sale?

hahaz saw ur prep to a track car write up...
awesome car i must say....
Re: Any E36 M3 in SG and for sale?


sadly, I have to leave them soon. Moving back to Singapore

I am however lusting for that CSL .. haha
Re: Any E36 M3 in SG and for sale?

i guess none for sale.
Re: Any E36 M3 in SG and for sale?

well, in the meantime, you could always settle for a poster..... keke
Re: Any E36 M3 in SG and for sale?

ahhh...poster. lol

thanx but no thanx...

its ok. i can wait =]

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