Beware when parking along roads in private estates even if its legal to park!!!


New Member

Dear all,
I have a really traumatizing incident that just occurred to share with all drivers, would-be drivers, or anyone that is interested.

Just now at about 9.30pm, I went to the curry house along Sunshine Terrace with my friends for a dinner after work. As there are no parking sites around the area, so I took a turn to behind the private estates at Eden Grove. I drove on and found a nice spot with a single white line drawn over (legal parking after 7pm). It does have a rubbish bin placed at the spot, but very near to the edge of the road, which I thought is fine and could fit my vehicle in that space. Thus I just parked at that spot.

After ensuring that my vehicle was parked correctly, not obstructing the traffic flow or the gates of the occupants in the house, I left my vehicle and went for my dinner. At about 11.20pm, I came and retrieve my vehicle. From far, I saw the house that I parked my car in front of was brightly lit. Thus I know that I might be ticked off for parking the vehicle outside their house, which they might not like.

I went over and I saw this lady in her 40’s, reading a newspaper. I called out to her, telling her that I am sorry for taking up the space, apologized to her. She immediately stared me in the eye and gave me a very unhappy look. I get into the car and immediately drove off.

After driving about 2-3 mins, I feel the steering is always steering to the left. I tried to position it back, but it still give the same problem. Then I heard a “thup thup thup” sound. I stopped my car at a bus stop to check. To my dismay, MY PASSENGER SIDE FRONT AND REAR TYRES WERE PUNCTURED!!! THERE ARE DIRT STUFFED UP IN MY EXHAUST PIPES!!!

As I have no 2 spare tyres in my car, I tried my best to drive my car to the nearby City Tyres to examined the tyres. As I am driving on punctured tyres, the tyres were damaged easily due to the abrasions. After the mechanic pumped up the tyres, they found that, there are no punctured holes and there are no leaks. But the two air caps are gone. Someone have open the caps and let off the air. The mechanic says that the tyres looks to be damaged, and it cost $350 to change each one. As I dun really have that amount of cash, I asked if I use back the two tyres, is that ok? They say no guarantee. No money to change, means safety at risk, I use back the tyres.

I am really pissed off, and feel that it is really ugly, ungracious for whoever is doing that. They could have just told me off, scold me, or leave a note. Why do they have to put my life at risk. Punctured tyres could have gotten me killed on the road!

As my car was only parking outside one family’s house (again I want to stress, I did not obstruct the traffic or gates), I went back to that house to confront the lady whom I suspect could be the culprit, but its just a suspection, not an accusation (I do not want to be sued).

When I arrived, press the doorbell, first thing she told me is my vehicle was parking in front of her house, obstructing traffic. I say, no, I am sure its not! Which driver in the right mind would want to park directly in front of their house gates? She said she had called LTA and have taken the photos. I say ok, show me the photos. She gladly showed me the photos she took from all angles of my vehicle. One of the photos she is so proud of taking from inside her gates, showing boot lid of less than 20-30cm obstructing her gates. She said that she will put the photos of my vehicle plate no. on YouTube, STOMP, etc. I ask her husband to take a look at the photos to see tif there is anything wrong, he keep quiet, I am sure if she put it online, you all can see there is totally nothing wrong with my parking in the photos, so I am fine about that.

She also mention that she has placed the rubbish bins there to chop the place for her third car coming back to park (2 cars were inside her pouch already). I told her that I will only be having my dinner which would finish in an hour or two. She then relate say that last time there are cars parking down there overnight, who knows what time I will be coming back.

But I told her that she don’t own the road and I am not in fault in the eyes of law to park there. Then she kept showing me the picture showing my boot lid obstructing her gates. Then her husband said that there are devoted religious people, and would not do such a thing and kept denying it. I somehow believe the husband, but not the lady. Really in doubts. The lady was so prepared for my return to confront her, the camera, the threatening of calling LTA, and kept arguing that I am at fault.

Without any concrete evidence, except the obvious tell tales signs… I left… an angry and disappointed man. I don’t know whether its obvious or not, but I don’t expect that the occupants from the far end corner would play a prank on my vehicle lah. What do you people think? If you were in my shoes, who will you suspect? Could it be a dog passing by, thought its nipples on my car wheels, get horny and bite them away and suck all the air out?

I have since reported police and they treat the case as mischief. Once they do more investigations around that area, they will get back to me. But I think it will end up being an unsolved case.

I have tried to do a search online to see whether there are similar cases in Singapore. To my surprise, there are many, like a scratch on the car, rubbish bins chopping the place, rubbish bins placed at the driver door by the owners, industrial glues on the wind screens of the cars with the notes, etc. So many. To think, I will never be the first, and never the last, but just the unlucky one.

Having said all these, I do understand the frustrations and agony that the house owners have when there is no parking space for their vehicles when they lived there. But they should not prank on the safety of the drivers. We also have our families to feed on. What if we really passed on in the accidents due to these unforgiven pranks, what would become of our families? I am really traumatized by this behavior.

I am looking forward to inform the authorities including the newspapers and TV programmes about this. Hope that through this incident, it could allow people to realized that it is indeed wrong, very wrong to do that.

Re: Beware when parking along roads in private estates even if its legal to park!!!

u shouldn't have confronted them.

an eye for an eye
Re: Beware when parking along roads in private estates even if its legal to park!!!

Sorry to hear -- I can feel your trauma.

I actually pity the husband more. Take comfort in knowing that you deal only once (well, technically twice) with her in your life; he is stuck with her for life.

Don't bother with police -- great at giving summons, not so good at upholding justice.

1. Years ago my then fiance (now wife) rented from a tenant pretending to be owner. He subsequently ran off with our money, but we still had his contact. We reported him to the police, who asked us to file in sub-court, who then went silent.
2. Another time we had a stalker. We filed a police report for a restraining order. The police wouldn't even look into the matter until law had been broken, and we couldn't even block his calls with Telco.

Sorry OT a bit.

Lesson from this -- eat elsewhere.
Re: Beware when parking along roads in private estates even if its legal to park!!!

moral of the story....dun park outside landed property if ur not a visiting visitor
Re: Beware when parking along roads in private estates even if its legal to park!!!

If that particular household indeed let out the air in your tyres, then they are wrong in this respect.
I do sympathise with your situation as they were too much.

But do put yourself in the shoes of the resident you are parking at. Although you did not cause obstruction to their gate, and there was no official reserved lot, for a resident, when you come home and you have no place to park, its very fustrating.

When I used to stay with my parents, our Porch could only fit 1 vehicle, so either my dad or me will have to park outside. There was a period of time when a same particular vehicle kept parking every night for 2 weeks. I had to park a good distance away as usually I would be home late after work. Later we came to know that this owner of this particular vehicle was staying at a HDB flat nearby and parked outside my place to save on his season parking.

We confronted this fella and told him off. Parking for awhile is ok, but parking every night is NOT. Yes I know that we don own the parking place outside but to park for long extended periods is causing alot of fustration to us.

That is why whenever I go to places like thomson or where parking usually is at private properties where we usually have to park outside anyone's house, I will park, ring the bell, inform the resident that I am here for a meal and park for roughly how long. I will also offer my mobile number so that they can call me to shift when their other car comes back. 9 out of 10 times, the owner will smile and said no problem, just park. No need your phone number since you eat already and will go off.

There was once where the kerb outside the property is a double yellow line, the resident called me that someone was here to summon and ask me to quickly go back to remove my vehicle. When I reached the place, the resident was outside with the summon fella asking him to hold on as their "friend" me is coming back soon. I saved on the parking summon and was absolutely grateful to that family and thanked them profusely.

No one owns the area outside their compound but I thought to just practise courtesy by informing them and getting their "permission"

End of the day, everyone is happy.
Re: Beware when parking along roads in private estates even if its legal to park!!!

hitmee;708538 said:
u shouldn't have confronted them.

an eye for an eye

u gangster.. .. rib eye ai mai...
Re: Beware when parking along roads in private estates even if its legal to park!!!

delrosa81;708558 said:
If that particular household indeed let out the air in your tyres, then they are wrong in this respect.
I do sympathise with your situation as they were too much.

But do put yourself in the shoes of the resident you are parking at. Although you did not cause obstruction to their gate, and there was no official reserved lot, for a resident, when you come home and you have no place to park, its very fustrating.

When I used to stay with my parents, our Porch could only fit 1 vehicle, so either my dad or me will have to park outside. There was a period of time when a same particular vehicle kept parking every night for 2 weeks. I had to park a good distance away as usually I would be home late after work. Later we came to know that this owner of this particular vehicle was staying at a HDB flat nearby and parked outside my place to save on his season parking.

We confronted this fella and told him off. Parking for awhile is ok, but parking every night is NOT. Yes I know that we don own the parking place outside but to park for long extended periods is causing alot of fustration to us.

That is why whenever I go to places like thomson or where parking usually is at private properties where we usually have to park outside anyone's house, I will park, ring the bell, inform the resident that I am here for a meal and park for roughly how long. I will also offer my mobile number so that they can call me to shift when their other car comes back. 9 out of 10 times, the owner will smile and said no problem, just park. No need your phone number since you eat already and will go off.

There was once where the kerb outside the property is a double yellow line, the resident called me that someone was here to summon and ask me to quickly go back to remove my vehicle. When I reached the place, the resident was outside with the summon fella asking him to hold on as their "friend" me is coming back soon. I saved on the parking summon and was absolutely grateful to that family and thanked them profusely.

No one owns the area outside their compound but I thought to just practise courtesy by informing them and getting their "permission"

End of the day, everyone is happy.

jin swee...why didnt i think of it...
Re: Beware when parking along roads in private estates even if its legal to park!!!

VolanteDB9;708571 said:
jin swee...why didnt i think of it...

Ur Aston Martin better valet park.
Else sure kena scratch
Re: Beware when parking along roads in private estates even if its legal to park!!!

Aloy27;708565 said:
u gangster.. .. rib eye ai mai...

O forgot to ask
Is the woman chio bu?
Re: Beware when parking along roads in private estates even if its legal to park!!!

hitmee;708577 said:
O forgot to ask
Is the woman chio bu?

Lao chio lo.. cos 40s ma..
Re: Beware when parking along roads in private estates even if its legal to park!!!

I'm not condoning mischief but without real evidence, we shouldn't blame the police for not being able to do anything. I would suggest getting in-car security camera to monitor any unusual actions. I do sympathise with your situation.

That said, it is very frustrating if we go home without any parking spots. The place that I'm living is very near a religious congregation building and on certain days of the week and some evenings, the car will be parked where we usually park and we have no choice but to park really far away or just avoid going home. But that's all fine if they move away after a while. But someone pointed out, there are people who live in nearby HDB who would park their cars in the estate to avoid paying season parking and that's frustrating. And worst of all, we have experienced these vehicles who make no effort to park properly and that bare 20 more centimetres jutting out of a small road might just mean that another car can't get past them.

I'm sorry but I cannot agree with using the media to vent your frustrations. Everyone goes through frustrating moments but with everyone stomping all these shit, this place just becomes a terrible place to live. Extend a bit of courtesy, pay it forward and it'll all be better than living in constant fear that someone might just stomp all/any of your actions.
Re: Beware when parking along roads in private estates even if its legal to park!!!

Moral of the story is R-E-S-P-E-C-T other people's 'territory'. Common sense and law of the streets. The arguments of 'they dont own the road' and 'it is legal to park' just dont apply. Sad but true. When you see a bin or some obstruction to 'chope' the place, use a little common sense and move on. Wait a little longer for a lot or park further and walk a little. If one decides to ignore such a 'chope' space to satisfy their own convenience, then be prepared for the consequences. It is by no means 'right' in the legal sense but at the end who is on the losing end? Some shops with coupon parking lots in front sometimes put their bin at the spot for their customers (tire shops esp) or their delivery vehicle etc, it is not right legally but Im not going to tempt fate by removing the bin and insisting on my 'right' only to have my ride keyed or damaged. Sparing a thought as to why they decide to 'chope' the place (shops or private houses) would also make one not insist on their rights. Sometimes a little common sense rather than insisting on one's rights goes a long way.
Re: Beware when parking along roads in private estates even if its legal to park!!!

Agree that if you parked at a lot which was obviously choped with a dustbin, you are inviting trouble.

But whoever did that to your car deserves worse. Damage to your own private property and you could've been involved in an accident.
Re: Beware when parking along roads in private estates even if its legal to park!!!

moral of the time chop lots first with dustbin...haha
although the driver is wrong to park there for too long, it doesn't give the property owner the right to put rubbish bin, pots, etc to chop the road outside.
ugly singaporeans everywhere regardless of whether they stay in hdb or landed
Re: Beware when parking along roads in private estates even if its legal to park!!!

Robot GCB can park 20 cars
He is very kind, he opens his gate to
Lett stranger park.

$1 /hr only
Re: Beware when parking along roads in private estates even if its legal to park!!!

$1/hr with Robot as security guard beri good deal...Got season parking or not?

hitmee;708739 said:
Robot GCB can park 20 cars
He is very kind, he opens his gate to
Lett stranger park.

$1 /hr only
Re: Beware when parking along roads in private estates even if its legal to park!!!

zorro;708744 said:
$1/hr with Robot as security guard beri good deal...Got season parking or not?

Season parking comes with complimentary car wash by robot in bikini

Car scratched guaranteed
Re: Beware when parking along roads in private estates even if its legal to park!!!

hitmee;708577 said:
O forgot to ask
Is the woman chio bu?

Re: Beware when parking along roads in private estates even if its legal to park!!!

sorry about your experiece. BTW you said they loosened your tyre cap to let air out ???

Its not that easy. Even with the caps gone its safe to drive and air wont be released......
Re: Beware when parking along roads in private estates even if its legal to park!!!

Ah...a matter very close to my heart.
When I used to stay with my folks, there were people parking outside our house.
We were frustrated, but never did anything as we came to terms that we don't own the road outside.

When I parked at an estate near where I work, my window got keyed big time....
Honestly I feel one can get away with alot of nonsense in Singapore so long as you don't damage public property or do anything that can endanger lives. In this case, meddling with the tires seems criminal to me. Hopefully the police will pursue this.

Splashing paint on the walls for eg should be classified as mischief. Even with hard evidence, I believe the police won't get involved. They'd advise you to take up a civil suit. Expensive and long drawn affair. Most people would not go down this road unless they have money to burn.

Vandals often get off scot free, most of the time anyway.:roll:

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