BMW driver tries to flee after knocking down 3 pedestrians


Well-Known Member

Thursday, Aug 16, 2012

BMW driver tries to flee after knocking down 3 pedestrians

A driver who crashed into three people in Chinatown was stopped by passers-by when he attempted to flee the scene.

The man, who was driving a light blue BMW, did not stop to assist two pedestrians and a cyclist when he rammed into them along Smith Street, near Chinatown Food Street, at around 4.25pm on Tuesday.

According to Shin Min Daily News, the driver stopped to ask the first victim if he was all right, but did not leave his vehicle.

An eyewitness told the Chinese evening daily that he continued to drive away but knocked into another man a short distance away. The victim fell to the ground. The eyewitness said the impact was so hard that his glasses flew about 2-metres away.

The driver did not stop the car, continued driving and in less than 200 metres, knocked into a middle-aged man on a bicycle.

After crashing into three people, the driver attempted to flee the scene but was stopped by people who had witnessed the accidents.

"We immediately gave chase and managed to stop him near South Bridge Road," said a 20-year-old man known only as Mr Yang.

He told Shin Min Daily News that the driver did not want to get out of his car and when he did so, he attempted to run.

"We knocked on his window and told him to get out, but he refused. When he finally did so, he tried to run away but my boss and I managed to stop him."

Mr Yang said they questioned the driver, asking him if he knew he knocked into three people. The driver replied that he did not know and insisted on leaving as he was rushing for a meeting at 4.30pm.

Mr Yang also said there was no alcohol smell within the car but he saw a bag of coloured pills.

The Singapore Civil Defence Force said two of the victims were sent to Singapore General Hospital.

They were both conscious. One of the victims, a 30-year-old man, had injuries on his left leg, and the other victim, a 50-year-old man had shoulder pains.

Shin Min Daily News understands that the third victim was not sent to hospital. He had told medics and the police that he was fine and left the scene.

Police have confirmed the incidents and the driver is assisting them in investigations.

[email protected]

BMW driver tries to flee after knocking down 3 pedestrians
Re: BMW driver tries to flee after knocking down 3 pedestrians

another COI will be set-up sooooon

Re: BMW driver tries to flee after knocking down 3 pedestrians

Wow is that driver high on drugs? can knock down 3 different ppl in a single drive off and road.........and still wanna run somemore....
Re: BMW driver tries to flee after knocking down 3 pedestrians

zhenlie;874664 said:
light blue bmw...who? kee chiu! look like delrosa81 avatar that blue?

Its a lighter shade of blue, seems like metallic light blue. You click the news link, got show picture. E90 LCI I think.
Re: BMW driver tries to flee after knocking down 3 pedestrians

animian;874658 said:
Mr Yang also said there was no alcohol smell within the car but he saw a bag of coloured pills.

Mr. Yang had better lawyer up soon.
Re: BMW driver tries to flee after knocking down 3 pedestrians

What did Mr Yang do to need a lawyer?
Re: BMW driver tries to flee after knocking down 3 pedestrians

Dunno man, is Mr. Yang allowed to just say anything he wants? "Oh I saw coloured pills. But I'm not saying he took drugs." If the culprit was just a bobo driver who panicked, then what?
Re: BMW driver tries to flee after knocking down 3 pedestrians

Observation from facts, not speculation such as "he didn't smell of alcohol but I saw a bag of coloured pills. I think he took drugs"
Re: BMW driver tries to flee after knocking down 3 pedestrians

Facts? Ok, coloured pills it is then.
Re: BMW driver tries to flee after knocking down 3 pedestrians

Why jumped to conclusions? Coloured pills may have been mentos or M&Ms or skittles.

We should never let news articles skew our ability to perceive matters independently. This is a case of biased reporting which mislead and distort readers' capacity to deduce fairly. Innocent until proven guilty.
Re: BMW driver tries to flee after knocking down 3 pedestrians

Ok lah..He saw coloured pills is a fact.

No opinion provided
Re: BMW driver tries to flee after knocking down 3 pedestrians

Frozen Blue????

Re: BMW driver tries to flee after knocking down 3 pedestrians

marklee;874732 said:
Ok lah..He saw coloured pills is a fact.

No opinion provided

But see, how do we know it's a fact? How do we know there were pills? Just because the newspaper said so?

Whatever la, it's not my fight.
Re: BMW driver tries to flee after knocking down 3 pedestrians

I hope the BMW driver has some car-cam video to share.
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Re: BMW driver tries to flee after knocking down 3 pedestrians

This is bad...luckily no one is seriously injured.

Btw.... whether the man drives a BMW, Merc, Honda, Cherry, or Kia, he should be more careful when driving.

So the headline should read "Driver tries to flee after knocking down 3 pedestrians" instead of "BMW driver tries to flee after knocking down 3 pedestrians".

If he drives a Audi, for example, will the reporter writes "Audi driver tries to flee after knocking down 3 pedestrians"? I don't think so, because what car he drives is irrelevant.

Since so , why put BMW in the headline? Irrelevant also.

Other makes such as Ferrari is also targetted sometimes.
Re: BMW driver tries to flee after knocking down 3 pedestrians

Agreed...Luckily there was no headline "BMW owner caught with pants down with under 18 girl in Hotel 81" I would have sued the editor on your behalf.......

C3P0;874746 said:
This is bad...luckily no one is seriously injured.

Btw.... whether the man drives a BMW, Merc, Honda, Cherry, or Kia, he should be more careful when driving.

So the headline should read "Driver tries to flee after knocking down 3 pedestrians" instead of "BMW driver tries to flee after knocking down 3 pedestrians".

If he drives a Audi, for example, will the reporter writes "Audi driver tries to flee after knocking down 3 pedestrians"? I don't think so, because what car he drives is irrelevant.

Since so , why put BMW in the headline? Irrelevant also.

Other makes such as Ferrari is also targetted sometimes.
Re: BMW driver tries to flee after knocking down 3 pedestrians

Sensation and controversy sell.

But driver should be punished. 3 pax. Failure to remain at scene of accident.

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