BMW that skid


New Member
Dear BMW member, I am driving a BMW 525i make 2009 and on 26th I pass a puddle of water and the car wobble and skidded like a Japanese car. It stop after hitting a kerb. Has anyone experience such incident? And can anyone advise what can I do to ask from BMW. The reason they gave me was that due to aqua pad. But I think this is unacceptable as I have seen other make passing the puddle of water. Advise is appreciated
Re: BMW that skid

Danielphua81;601343 said:
Dear BMW member, I am driving a BMW 525i make 2009 and on 26th I pass a puddle of water and the car wobble and skidded like a Japanese car. It stop after hitting a kerb. Has anyone experience such incident? And can anyone advise what can I do to ask from BMW. The reason they gave me was that due to aqua pad. But I think this is unacceptable as I have seen other make passing the puddle of water. Advise is appreciated

No matter how good a car's traction control is, I do not expect any car to defy the laws of physics totally. There are a few factors which may affect the traction:-

1) What speed did U approach the puddle of water?
2) What kinda tyres are U using?
3) How many percent tyre thread is left?
4) What kinda compound?
5) Has the tire compound hardened yet?
6) Did U brake when going thru the puddle of water?
7) Depth of water?
8) Road surface condition?
9) Was it still raining?
10) Any oil mixed with the puddle of water?

The above are just some factors which affect traction, Im sure there are more but that is what I can think of now.

On a hind note however, we as the driver cannot be complacent while driving on public roads, regardless of how good the car's traction control, brakes, tires, etc.

When U mentioned skidded like a japanese car, I do not think this is an appropriate statement as there are cars like EVO or the GTR which is 4 wheel drive and they have very advanced and complicated traction control or sensors which can minimise such things from happening and these systems IMO are better than a normal BMW's traction control system.

Drive safe! Have a Happy New Year and enjoy your car :)
Re: BMW that skid

Danielphua81 said:
Dear BMW member, I am driving a BMW 525i make 2009 and on 26th I pass a puddle of water and the car wobble and skidded like a Japanese car. It stop after hitting a kerb. Has anyone experience such incident? And can anyone advise what can I do to ask from BMW. The reason they gave me was that due to aqua pad. But I think this is unacceptable as I have seen other make passing the puddle of water. Advise is appreciated
Yes I have experienced such incident.

But I did not blame my car - it was Japanese anyways.

I blamed myself for the aquaplaning. Need it be Japanese cars to suffer from that? No. Technologies like DSC would not have helped if there is no traction at all. I did not check tyre pressures and thread wear. I simply did not check my speed and locked my wheels.

It is just one of those things we have to learn about driving in extreme environment.
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Re: BMW that skid

i advise u to brush up on ur driving skills. u sit on toilet bowl u blame the toilet bowl? drive bmw means car cannot skid n langa?
Re: BMW that skid

Sad to hear that, I hope the kerb damage to your car be minimal. We have another mate here who kinda skidded when hitting the puddle few days back.

I am not really sure if there is a way to improve the this on our E60 with just DSC and I don't encourage changing tyres just to try the puddles again. I guess defensive driving should be the way. Avoid lanes with high chances of puddles. Does that make our car inferior? I can't answer this but our lives are definitely more important. Because betting against nature is not recommended even with the best laid plans.

Even if you change to widest rims and brand new tyres, I would still encourage avoiding puddle ridden lanes if you get what I mean. Even if you drive a Ferrari? I guess so as well, I am not sure, not driven one before to understand its technological features.....

This is how I feel.

Re: BMW that skid

Before we start blaming the car, we must first understand the working principles of DTC, DSC, etc.

Of cos I also do not understand the working principles of DTC, DSC, etc. That is why I have never posted of incidents like this before. Lazy to read up haa haa.

Speaking on my personal experience,
When I buy a car and the car comes with traction control, I will expect the car to get me out of all kinda situations and when something goes wrong due to my input aka human error, I will wah lao eh, so lousy one, so exp car also will lose control, etc.

I would recommend reading up on the workings of our vehicle's traction control, understand it before we grumble how come our car so lousy. Traction control can only do so much, its still very much needs human input to drive carefully or to input corrective measures to bring it back to its intended path. Therefore I would recommended advanced driver training, train up the driver and regardless of the competency of traction control, you can be sure that with your improved driving competency, it would IMO surpass any traction control any manufacturer can design and implement at this current stage of technology.

BTW sidetrack abit, anyone got any lobang for advanced driving clinics which is not too exp?
Re: BMW that skid

I am driving E39 wif 225/55 16 & i have no problem going thru big puddle of water on 1 wheel @ 100km/h.
Re: BMW that skid

kenntona;601355 said:
Yes I have experienced such incident.

But I did not blame my car - it was Japanese anyways.

I blamed myself for the aquaplaning. Need it be Japanese cars to suffer from that? No. Technologies like DSC would not have helped if there is no traction at all. I did not check tyre pressures and thread wear. I simply did not check my speed and locked my wheels.

It is just one of those things we have to learn about driving in extreme environment.

Totally agree....
Re: BMW that skid

davidtch;601394 said:
I am driving E39 wif 225/55 16 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting225/55 16end_of_the_skype_highlighting & i have no problem going thru big puddle of water on 1 wheel @ 100km/h.

Har??? 1 wheel!!!??? Erm where are your remaining 3 wheels??? :lol:
Re: BMW that skid

Danielphua81;601343 said:
Dear BMW member, I am driving a BMW 525i make 2009 and on 26th I pass a puddle of water and the car wobble and skidded like a Japanese car

Yours may be the made-in-Japan batch. To confirm, get under the car and you should see a raindrop sticker near the brakes.
Re: BMW that skid

The last time i hydroplane, i saw another make call Volvo SBS bus passing thru the same water puddle safe and sound. I quite jealous.....

Seriously no super tyres or system replaces common sense, whether driving in the wet or dry.
Re: BMW that skid

Change to a skinny rim and tire (175 x 70 x 18) less chance of hydro/aquaplanning but dont corner like what u do now ok...
Re: BMW that skid

since hydroplane is due to loss of contact between tyre and road surface...the weight of the vehicle should be a factor as well...thus heavier vehicle might have less chance to suffer hydroplaning..
Re: BMW that skid

Haha, yes. My father's Tipper truck has very little chance of hydroplaning. He would ask : " what is hydroplane??" Especially when its full load at 27 tonnes
Re: BMW that skid

actually, i am jealous of the vans... 14" or 15" tires... damn hard to aquaplane... agree with zorro...

okie, bad joke...

the larger the tires, the impact of aquaplaning is greater... some drive thru with the steering wheel shifting (left/right), thus losing control...
Re: BMW that skid

mai siao siao, i have witnessed a lorry right in front of me, exiting expressway, approaching the bend, raining moderately, the rear stepped out just exactly like what I see on Formula Drift episodes on TV. I was driving behind quickly zham brake I think siao liao. The uncle quickly countersteer and caught the lorry in a nice prolonged drift round the exit bend. As the rear wheel drift ended the uncle unlocked the countersteer and carried on as if nothing happened. Shiok. The drift angle was not small; at least about 30 degrees. Unfortunately no workers sitting behind to witness the whole thing.
Re: BMW that skid

Racebred;601483 said:
mai siao siao, i have witnessed a lorry right in front of me, exiting expressway, approaching the bend, raining moderately, the rear stepped out just exactly like what I see on Formula Drift episodes on TV. I was driving behind quickly zham brake I think siao liao. The uncle quickly countersteer and caught the lorry in a nice prolonged drift round the exit bend. As the rear wheel drift ended the uncle unlocked the countersteer and carried on as if nothing happened. Shiok. The drift angle was not small; at least about 30 degrees. Unfortunately no workers sitting behind to witness the whole thing.
uncle will tell you he did that on purpose la...nothing to do with the rain..:D

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