Buying 320i, pls advise.Thanks


Should i sign the sales contract now if i'm only planning to take delivery of the car in Sept or Oct, or should i wait a while more. Pls advise. Thanks!
Re: Buying 320i, pls advise.Thanks

ponytail said:
Should i sign the sales contract now if i'm only planning to take delivery of the car in Sept or Oct, or should i wait a while more. Pls advise. Thanks!

Wah ponytail, your qn is "cheem". If u are concerned with bugs from the first batch of 320s, then u shd get those from the next cycle i.e. those manufactured after Sep. U can always sign on the dotted line if u feel the price is rite and then expressly specify that u want the batch manufactured from the next cycle and that u are willing to wait.
Re: Buying 320i, pls advise.Thanks

You shouldn't decide on the purchase of a big ticket item based on comments/suggestions from others. Its afterall your money and its a rather huge sum as well.

How about going through all points that seem to bug you and try and convince yourself to buy or perhaps not to buy before jumping and signing? There's no turning back once you sign yeah?
Re: Buying 320i, pls advise.Thanks

Hi T6!

Thanks for your reply.

Yah don't want the first batch of 320s. Last car got the first batch, was a very problematic car.
How about considering the present market condition of mid size car, will car price go any lower or will they be including the 3 years free maintenance wihich most car used to package in as a deal sometime back?
Re: Buying 320i, pls advise.Thanks

I've read about some cases where there's a large gap between signing and taking delivery. You have to be careful about the terms of any financing, insurance or even the car purchase agreement itself. The case I read about has this lady finding out that her financing deal actually had an expiry date, so when she finally took delivery of the car, they told her that she's no longer eligible for some rebates that she was supposed to get from her loan!
Re: Buying 320i, pls advise.Thanks

Hi Brandons!

Not exactly deciding based on others comments/suggestions. Just doing some research work before signing on the dotted line. Don't mind getting some info which i do not know.

Like what T6 have pointed out about asking for the next cycle. If i have not heard from him i would just tell them i want my car by sept or oct, i might at most ask when the car was manufacture but would not have asked whether it's a next cycle car.

I'm ready to buy but also have time to wait cause i do not need the car immediately.

I know when i sign the sales contract i will have mixed feelings cause love the car but also heard alot about their aftersales service.
Re: Buying 320i, pls advise.Thanks

ponytail said:
How about considering the present market condition of mid size car, will car price go any lower or will they be including the 3 years free maintenance wihich most car used to package in as a deal sometime back?

In my personal opinion, at a time when COE is so low, the Bimmer is still priced quite high. So I think it is overpriced. Take for e.g. the brand new prices of Camry and 320s 2 years ago. I think the brand new asking price for Camry has dropped much more relatively speaking.
Re: Buying 320i, pls advise.Thanks

ponytail said:
Should i sign the sales contract now if i'm only planning to take delivery of the car in Sept or Oct, or should i wait a while more. Pls advise. Thanks!

my two cents worth... decision still yours to make.
if you are not in a hurry, you should wait then..
PML is under tremendous pressure to meet quota by year end or they gonna start losing their sole distributorship and the new 3 is not selling as fast as they expected them to be as I heard!
After the first batch, PML will typically redraft the option configuration on basic models such as the 320i. So there might be pricing or options revision. The current 320i is too bland in terms of options.
Fool proof way is to book a 325i. Got everything from power to options to boot of course pretty steep though.
Re: Buying 320i, pls advise.Thanks

ponytail said:
Should i sign the sales contract now if i'm only planning to take delivery of the car in Sept or Oct, or should i wait a while more. Pls advise. Thanks!

I just went down with a friend yesterday to book the 320 and he will have his delivery by end July. So don't understand why yours is so long. BTW, he also got a very good deal as far as I know since the last price. On top of that, he also get some rebates from the loan. So, after all those discounts he got his car at less than S$140k. Good price I believe.
Re: Buying 320i, pls advise.Thanks

Hi Zag Thanks for your input!

Hi L Armstrong! I believe your friend is taking the base stock so it's about 2 week.

Wanted to wait cause do not want the 1st batch. By then probably can get a SGA plate too.

I was quoted $148k, wah less than $140k did your friend get the max loan to get max rebates? Any other things throw in as goodwill?
Re: Buying 320i, pls advise.Thanks

ponytail said:
Hi Zag Thanks for your input!

Hi L Armstrong! I believe your friend is taking the base stock so it's about 2 week.

Wanted to wait cause do not want the 1st batch. By then probably can get a SGA plate too.

I was quoted $148k, wah less than $140k did your friend get the max loan to get max rebates? Any other things throw in as goodwill?

No, he didn't get max. loan. Chrome grille and exhaust were also thrown in as goodwill.
Re: Buying 320i, pls advise.Thanks

brand new 3 is now going for $139k. my friend jus called up.
Re: Buying 320i, pls advise.Thanks

check13 said:
brand new 3 is now going for $139k. my friend jus called up.

Yup, my fren bought last week and collecting on 27th of this mth.
Re: Buying 320i, pls advise.Thanks

check13 said:
brand new 3 is now going for $139k. my friend jus called up.

Huh...OMG....When did it go so low? I bought mine at $150k 2 months ago.... **fainted liao** :ultrasho:
Re: Buying 320i, pls advise.Thanks

babe said:
Huh...OMG....When did it go so low? I bought mine at $150k 2 months ago.... **fainted liao** :ultrasho:

It's a norm..many of us felt the same pinch when we bought the last batch of the E46s... :furious:
Re: Buying 320i, pls advise.Thanks

it's like tat one loh i guess. the brand new 523 is going for $179k. 520 no more, phased out already. so imagine, 2nd hand mkt for 520 series even more terok...
Re: Buying 320i, pls advise.Thanks

And anybody knows what is the price of 325 now? Was told S$175k. The gap between the 320 and 325 has widened to S$36k! If 523 is going for S$179k, isn't it better to get the 523 instead of the 325? Any comment and review of the 2 cars?
Re: Buying 320i, pls advise.Thanks

depends on wat u want, if u'r looking for more space, den go for the 523i, but if wat u want is power, den u gotta stick wif the 325i. Although, both running wif the same 2.5l unit, 523i engine is 1 tat is being detune to only provide 177bhp, and the 325i is the true output 1 tat is running on218bhp.
Re: Buying 320i, pls advise.Thanks

Snail_Mobile said:
depends on wat u want, if u'r looking for more space, den go for the 523i, but if wat u want is power, den u gotta stick wif the 325i. Although, both running wif the same 2.5l unit, 523i engine is 1 tat is being detune to only provide 177bhp, and the 325i is the true output 1 tat is running on218bhp.

and I think the 325i has some low-end GPS thrown in!

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