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E36 Angel eyes


Hi pple,

I'm doing a makeover for my E36. Need new lights as the old ones are quite faded. Anyone knows where i can pick up a set of "projector" lights with angel eyes in Singapore?...or better, anyone happen to have 1 lying around in the storeroom!??

There's loads in the US ebay stores......has anyone tried ordering? Feel a bit quesy about ordering anything from ebay US...i mean if kena con, how are u gonna chase after them across the pacific???
Re: E36 Angel eyes

if you have a E36 coupe BVO have one set, if not can ask Benard order for you.
Re: E36 Angel eyes

ranging from $400 - $500.. Most impt you must like it.
Got my LED tail light install, fitted one day then don't like,
but BVO Benard did something to it, look so nice hahahaha..
Good serivce!
Re: E36 Angel eyes

Hi J T,
Got few set of smoke & red waiting for you, can se it everyday better than see posting rite?
Re: E36 Angel eyes

Hi, I have a set of Angel Eyes headlamps for your car. Still very new and going for a very cheap cheap. Let me know if u r interested.
Re: E36 Angel eyes

Aiyah......you're a few hours slow la!

just bought a set today!

thanxs all for the leads

Re: E36 Angel eyes

how much u intend to sell? is it the CCFL lites only oe whole assembly?
Re: E36 Angel eyes

Elvislee;155004 said:
Hi, I have a set of Angel Eyes headlamps for your car. Still very new and going for a very cheap cheap. Let me know if u r interested.
Hi Elvis,
I am interested too. I just got my lamps clean up, but still look very old. Do you mind quoting me the price for your angel eyes? Thanks!
Re: E36 Angel eyes

Elvislee;155004 said:
Hi, I have a set of Angel Eyes headlamps for your car. Still very new and going for a very cheap cheap. Let me know if u r interested.
Hi Elvis,
I am interested too. I just got my lamps clean up, but still look very old. Do you mind quoting me the price for your angel eyes? Thanks!
(Sorry, forgot to log on just now.)
Re: E36 Angel eyes

Why dont you take a look at it first and give me your best price. Can I send the pic to yr email? Cant seem to attach it here.

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