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facelifting and adding the MTECII bodykit


Core Group Members
Hi Fifty-Cent, welcome to the forums!

Was wondering if shops in Cyprus do carry these items because it would be very expensive to ship all these all the way there!

Cheerio! :wavey:
Well, they do carry them, but check out the prices:

MTECII kit (Original) painted and fitted by main dealer:
4.659 S$

Facelift will cost S$4.000.

If I can save some money on getting some good replica, or second hand headlights, which are expensive, then good.
Fifty Cents,

I would strongly advise against it, given the hefty shipping costs involved in all the heavy items...... the bonnet, side fenders, side repeaters, headlight/indicator unit, fog lights, and M-Aero front. Add in the labour costs in the spray-painting process in Cyprus, and the bill could be quite staggering.

Suggest that you ship these parts from Europe. The shipping costs could save you quite a bit. Explore these sites:


For your reference, the entire facelift costs about S$4,500 to S$5,000 here, parts, spray-painting and installation inclusive. I have contemplated about it...... but figured out might as well change to the valvetronic model instead.