Fireworks Festival


Well-Known Member
Legendary 10 Years
Hi, any of you went for the firework festival? the weather was pretty damping initially. Further damping occurred though, my remote shuttle doesn't work., battery flat and I was fumbling with a new lens....:(

Anyway, here are some peektures to share.,

First some shot of the scene, the Foolerton, whatever

The arena for the nite's show

The firework started simple and small..almost dissappointing

Then, it fire up large and high... out of my focus pane.. haiz

:yummie: :yummie: :yummie:
Re: Fireworks Festival

After re-adjusting the cameller, more of it can be captured

The white starburst with smaller greens

This is nice, all pinkish and white

Green with golden glows

The white coconut trees

Burst of reddish stars
Re: Fireworks Festival

Shower of Gold.. for prosperity

Color my world

Bamboo leaves to get the olympic mascot looking this a way

The grand finale multi-burst lighting up the sky

Here's my fav for the day.. well.. night... Sparkling color for the nite city sky
Re: Fireworks Festival

As I was getting out of there, I took this 2 street shots, our city does look great at nite.. nite convoy anyone ??



Tomorrow same time, same place. ANy of you who has peektures of the firework to share are welcomed to post them here. :)
Re: Fireworks Festival

went to buy camera stuff yesterday.and that uncle told me that they dun sell filters that does this street lighting effect anymore..saying it was out dated.

isit true? he said it can be done in photoshop..i seriously dunno if photoshop is possible to do one of the reason why i never take night shots..

anyway..Very nice shots!! what new lens u bought? my sis went..i didnt go..
Re: Fireworks Festival

whoa chairman. really nice taken pictures. damn swee. good stuff :)
Re: Fireworks Festival

+1 Nic..
What new lens u got?
I also want those filter leh..

Used to have one but that was for an older camera.

I want one for my 450D!!
Re: Fireworks Festival

Camel, sibey swee leh.
Re: Fireworks Festival

///M3;371931 said:
went to buy camera stuff yesterday.and that uncle told me that they dun sell filters that does this street lighting effect anymore..saying it was out dated.

isit true? he said it can be done in photoshop..i seriously dunno if photoshop is possible to do one of the reason why i never take night shots..

anyway..Very nice shots!! what new lens u bought? my sis went..i didnt go..

Hi Nicky, no special filters used for the above shot except the common UV. Not much photoshop effect either, as I uploaded most of them fresh, just the normal conversion from RAW -> jpeg, resized and re-compressed for uploading. Also added my usual watermarks.. fresh from the oven you may say.. kekekek....The shot was also taken with my 18-55 kit lens, the widest I have at 18mm.

I'm not sure what filter you are looking for if you are talking about starburst, they are still available in specialised shops. I don't use them anyway as digital camera will create pretty nice starbust on lights source if you stop down to f16 or smaller. However, mount a tripod coz the picture may take up to 6 secs long exposure for the effect.

I just gotten myself a 24-105L IS USM hours before going for the firework, so imagine me fumbling with it in the dark. Also stupid me forgot to bring my remote shuttle and hence bought one on the spot as well, hence I didn't activate the battery guard and thought that it did not work.. hahahahaha... I'm just that good as a photographer...:yummie:

P.S. - tips for nite shots, lower your ISO to the minimum as opposed to common believe, it helps alot to keep the picture smooth and less grainny. Normally, one would open the apperture widest to allow maximum amount of lights onto the sensor, I do the contrary as sufficient DOF always compliments any night street shots. A sturdy tripod or any fixed structure you can lay your cameller on will help overcome the downside (motion blur) for shots like this.
Re: Fireworks Festival

Wow, glad you people like the shots and thankz for the kind comments. So any of you going down tonite?? I'll be there with my family and my kid will be having a go with the firework shots on the Lumix I handed him...

Hope you guys who have went do share your take on the firework here. Thankz
Re: Fireworks Festival

:yummie: .. well, here's having fun at the waterfront with my new toy...



Well, did some photoshop on this shots, made the firework stood out a bit more and added some reflection on the bay
Re: Fireworks Festival

camel selling Singapore postcard sooonn is it? very Pro & nice !

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