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FS: Hoen Xenonmatch FogLight Bulb


Well-Known Member
Joined in the recent group buy of the Hoen Xenonmatch Foglight for sale.

Finally arrived, got it, try it..... though is white but no much different fom my current one.

Paid $58 like the rest of the guys in the group buy, selling it at $55.

Interested give me a call or sms 97967363



PS : Would like to thank Alex again for all the effort in bringing the bullbs all the way from the States and making all the arrangement!!
Re: FS: Hoen Xenonmatch FogLight Bulb

Bro.....would like to check if you have a typo on the buying price on the recent group buy or did you actually purchase the bulbs at $58. need clarification....thanks.
Re: FS: Hoen Xenonmatch FogLight Bulb

Good morning ,

Mi too have join in the group buy and have just gotten mine from the extrmely kind and helpful alex.
However I seems to have problem installing it. Any kind souls out there could help me with the fixing ?
Re: FS: Hoen Xenonmatch FogLight Bulb

Remove the black plastic around your fog light by prying it off from the brake duct side. Once it is off, you will see 2 mounting screws which hold the fog light in place. Remove those and the light can be removed from the bumper. The wires behind the fog light is connected with a plastic clip. There is a catch at the back of the clip that needs to be pressed simultaneously when removing the clip. Once that is off, the bulb base is twisted to remove the bulb. Replace with you new bulb and remember not to touch the glass portion. The oils from from your skin can cause the glass to crack when it is hot.

Reverse the procedures to put back.

Re: FS: Hoen Xenonmatch FogLight Bulb

jus low said:
Bro.....would like to check if you have a typo on the buying price on the recent group buy or did you actually purchase the bulbs at $58. need clarification....thanks.

yes he purchase it at $58 like everyone else except the 2 last minutes order which were special flown in to the supplier.

Re: FS: Hoen Xenonmatch FogLight Bulb

flyboy said:
Joined in the recent group buy of the Hoen Xenonmatch Foglight for sale.

Finally arrived, got it, try it..... though is white but no much different fom my current one.

Paid $58 like the rest of the guys in the group buy, selling it at $55.

Interested give me a call or sms 97967363



PS : Would like to thank Alex again for all the effort in bringing the bullbs all the way from the States and making all the arrangement!!

hi elliot,

you install really quick!

i'm sorry to hear that the bulbs are satisfactory. :( maybe HID 4300K fogs would really match your HIDs then! but those cost few hundred $$s!!!

Re: FS: Hoen Xenonmatch FogLight Bulb

I realised the degress of whitness is very relative. If I don't turned on my 6000k lights, the fog lights are actually quite white. But when I turn on my headlights, it doesn't appear as white. I am currently using some made in taiwan fog lights which more or less produces the same effect as the Hoen Foglights, thus see no need to change.

I am very grateful with your kind effort and enthusiam in arranging for the group pruchase. If nobody wants it, I just keep as spare til my present blows.

