Hi Everyone from Din Aziz

Din Aziz

New Member
Hi Everyone ,

I'm Din Aziz here , I'm in the Oil & Gas Offshore Exploration business and takes me travel widely around the globe. Very much looking forward meeting you guys in this very near future soon pending my work activity perhaps permit me at some point as I'm away at most time but will definitely will make , time to be there.

I'm currently driving the new 320 for 6 months now and I must say this have been my dream machine for many many years. It's a superb machine ! Nice design , nice egonomics , curves are all in the right spot and corners etc, just suits me fine ! Next future mission is the ' 5'!Anyway ,cheers to all you guys and have a good day ahead !

Din Aziz
Region Subsea Operations Coordinator-AP
PowerWell Subsea Services Singapore
Mobile : 65-9817 1214
[email protected]
Re: Hi Everyone from Din Aziz

hii there, welcome to the forum...
happy sufring..
Re: Hi Everyone from Din Aziz

hello and welcome!

looks like we have stuff in common. my family's in the same industry too: Hup Seng Offshore Engineering. plenty of beemers in the company car park as well....
Re: Hi Everyone from Din Aziz

Welcome. Did you discover any new Oil reserves lately? :)

Since you are in the Oil & Gas Offshore Exploration business, please keep us posted with any market information regarding Oil supply and demand, or anything things affecting oil prices. So that we can stock up oil or go short Oil Index Futures to hedge and benefit [if ever possible] from the rediculous petrol prices in Singapore. Graci !!!!!

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