hmmmmmmmg sound from front..


Hi all,
here's what happened to my 2002 E46 sedan 3 days ago.. was driving around at 20-40km/hr when i suddenly could hear the front hmmmmmmmmg-ing (that's the best way i can describe it!) when stepping on the brakes. The sound got progressively louder, but interestingly enough, didn't happen all the time(!!) When braking at speeds of around 50 and above, no sounds could be heard. At times, the sound got so loud it was the sound of a plane's engine during takeoff! (ok, somewhat exaggerated, but you get the idea!) Couldn't stand the noise to brought it to my mechanic's for a quick look-see... he tested it and of course, there was no sound to hear. I then took over and sure enough, the hmmmmmmmmg sound was there again (once again, intermittently). Should have seen the look on my mechanic's face (like WTF is that coming from!) To make a long story short, it was the OEM brake pads that were causing it, even though they were still 70% good. Not sure if anyone has this similar experience, but I ran across the same 'issue' at

btw, you could actually 'feel' the hmmmmmmmmmg sound when using the brakes, and that led my mechanic and me to guesstimate that it was the brakes that were causing it. Changed the pads and it's been 'sound' free so far...

Just thought i'd like to share this in case someone else has the same experience... damn, it was loud!!! hahahahaha..
Re: hmmmmmmmg sound from front..

probably didnt have the "shims" behind the pads?
Re: hmmmmmmmg sound from front..

rainman88;216239 said:
Hi all,
here's what happened to my 2002 E46 sedan 3 days ago.. was driving around at 20-40km/hr when i suddenly could hear the front hmmmmmmmmg-ing (that's the best way i can describe it!) when stepping on the brakes. The sound got progressively louder, but interestingly enough, didn't happen all the time(!!) When braking at speeds of around 50 and above, no sounds could be heard. At times, the sound got so loud it was the sound of a plane's engine during takeoff! (ok, somewhat exaggerated, but you get the idea!) Couldn't stand the noise to brought it to my mechanic's for a quick look-see... he tested it and of course, there was no sound to hear. I then took over and sure enough, the hmmmmmmmmg sound was there again (once again, intermittently). Should have seen the look on my mechanic's face (like WTF is that coming from!) To make a long story short, it was the OEM brake pads that were causing it, even though they were still 70% good. Not sure if anyone has this similar experience, but I ran across the same 'issue' at hmmmmming sound - E46Fanatics..

btw, you could actually 'feel' the hmmmmmmmmmg sound when using the brakes, and that led my mechanic and me to guesstimate that it was the brakes that were causing it. Changed the pads and it's been 'sound' free so far...

Just thought i'd like to share this in case someone else has the same experience... damn, it was loud!!! hahahahaha..

Is your new brake pads OEM or other brands? :thinking:
Thanks for sharing. Cheers.
Re: hmmmmmmmg sound from front..

phil;216281 said:
probably didnt have the "shims" behind the pads?

Btw, what is "shims", phil? :confused:
Re: hmmmmmmmg sound from front..

I have quite similar experience after changing to NEW pads at PML. Keep complaining to them and PML claim that the sound is caused by the brake dust accumulated on the pads and have to apply HARD braking every once awhile to clear the brake dust. Somehow after using for 10000km, the sound is gone.
Re: hmmmmmmmg sound from front..

Hi all,
thanks for the replies...

phil: I think it wasn't so much as the lack of 'shims' behind the pads, but rather, either a tiny object (sand or metal is my guess) that was rubbing against the rotors. thing is, on the day i changed my pads, the level of the hmmmmmmg sound had gone down, though you could still hear it faintly when stopping to rest at 20-40 km/hr.

318NewBoy: My new brake pads are ATE... may not be the best, but does the job i think! Mechanic threw them on for free first just to see if it was the pads that were causing the noise.

Hublot: as mentioned, my pads were down to 70% and not new.. and it happened out of nowhere (meaning, everything was fine until that one day) noise was incredible... and slight vibrations could be felt through the steering wheel.. glad you worked yours out!
Re: hmmmmmmmg sound from front..

regular brake inspection and replacement of faulty parts is a smart way to avoid road trouble and high repair bills in the future for the braking system. a visual inspection of your brake pads, brake rotors, bmw brake dust shield and other stuff will give you an indication of trouble, as well.
Re: hmmmmmmmg sound from front..

318 NewBoy;216294 said:
Btw, what is "shims", phil? :confused:

well, its grinding off the edge of the brake pad so that they are not at 90 degree angle, which I suspect may have attributed to undue vibration resulting in humming as described. Hope I'm not wrong on this.

As for PHIL, he is also a "Shim" himself.. kekkekekeke...Nicholas91 say one.

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