How do you know when to change suspension?


Well-Known Member

I would like to have our experts' views on the suspension of a BMW E46 via the following questions:

Q1: how does one know when to change the suspension?
Q2: how many parts made up the car suspension? and what are the part names ?
Q3: how much sh the original BMW suspension cost?
Q4: Usually how long can the original suspension last? in years/months/days?

Appreciate yr kind replies and views!!!!

Q1: when i press the front, the car bounces...time to change shocks..
Q2: er..when i change, the shocks+mounts+spring pads+shock bumper+shock boots+ALL nuts/hardware
Q3: no idea pal..never bought originals..changed to Bilsteins after the ori's died..
Q4:..depends on how u throw ur car around..
you can start changing when you bottom out when you didnt used to, or when your shocks start leaking. springs last forever.

other suspension, or drivetrain wear and tear will include bushings, steering arm link, wheel bearings, etc. anything can wear out. generally, depending on how you drive, they can all last for upwards of 3 years. dont need to change them until they spoil lah, unless you're trying to keep your car in tip top condition for tracking.