how much to pay agent to do paper work


Well-Known Member
hello, going to renew my lease with tenant and agent want to charge me $500 for 1 year lease and $1000 for 2 years lease. it that right?

or can i just re-do the contract and pay stamp duty then wont need to pay any agent

thank you for the advice:eek:
Re: how much to pay agent to do paper work

Tenant is supposed to do the stamp duty renewal, no?
I'd rather deal through agent tho. Any issues Tenant can bug him instead of me.
Re: how much to pay agent to do paper work

thanks bro

the tenant has been staying there for 5 years. just find that the agent recommend by a chap, behaving like a shark.

out of the blue, pop the 2 times service charge for paper work which made me rather piss.

any agent willing to do it for $500 for either 1 or 2 years lease . PM me thanks
Re: how much to pay agent to do paper work

are you a tenant or landlord? agent should not just do paper work, he should help to review the contract, advice current market and negotiate for his client better term.

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