IPhone App - Summon Auntie


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Legendary 10 Years
Parking wardens, which are uniquely known as summon aunties here in Singapore, have become a figure to be feared. But a developer has just released an app known as Summon Auntie that alerts fellow drivers near their vehicles if a potential parking fine is heading their way.

The concept is simple. Once you've parked your vehicle, launch the app and click on Park to lock down your vehicle's position in the app database. Conversely, once you are leaving the parking lot, you'll need to click on Unpark to remove your vehicle location from the database.
Now here's where the interesting part kicks in. The Alert feature is used when you or fellow drivers spot a parking warden near your vehicles. This alert will be sent out to other users who are within 200 meters from your own vehicle. Needless to say, once you see this alert, you'll be dashing back to your vehicle if your parking time has expired. Nonetheless, this app is only useful if there are drivers in the vicinity who can alert fellow drivers of the parking warden's presence.

Ultimately, this app is useful for drivers who have forgotten to extend their parking time with more coupons and avoid a potential parking penalty. To all drivers out there, do park within the legal boundaries and pay the appropriate parking fees.
Re: IPhone App - Summon Auntie

LOL damn funny. Y u no pang chance.
Re: IPhone App - Summon Auntie

developer should do up another version for blackberry user , like this than can maximize coverage !!!
Re: IPhone App - Summon Auntie

matrock;674253 said:
developer should do up another version for blackberry user , like this than can maximize coverage !!!

Support this... BB user here too... :whatthe:
Re: IPhone App - Summon Auntie

BB for me too......

Re: IPhone App - Summon Auntie

Thanks for the heads-up. Surely this will be very useful......
Re: IPhone App - Summon Auntie

song..i hv been activating it non stop for fun
Re: IPhone App - Summon Auntie

totoseow;674311 said:
song..i hv been activating it non stop for fun

i prefer you shout "carpark~~~~~~~~" carpark ~~~~~~""!!!
Re: IPhone App - Summon Auntie

just used the app today. must say it is useful when parking in hot spots like club street and in cbd area !
Re: IPhone App - Summon Auntie

had download this app for quite some time.....it depends on users to update and the more pple uses, the better...so lets join hands or wheels !! upz...
Re: IPhone App - Summon Auntie

have tried this app but its not helpfull at all unless got to turn on the apps all the way to keep it updated , battery drys up easily
Re: IPhone App - Summon Auntie

playerbanker;683643 said:
have tried this app but its not helpfull at all unless got to turn on the apps all the way to keep it updated , battery drys up easily

u just need to turn on the notifications in your iphone... it will notify if you if the summon auntie is here

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