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juz wanna chk wat the Z4 bhp


Well-Known Member
Hi any bro here knw wat the Z4 cap bhp(2003 model,3.0cc n Smg gear box)? coz i m tinking to Change to Z4.tks.
Re: juz wanna chk wat the Z4 bhp

231bhp 300Nm torque
Re: juz wanna chk wat the Z4 bhp

i love your z33 man.... are you selling it to get the Z4?
Re: juz wanna chk wat the Z4 bhp

louis;184854 said:
i love your z33 man.... are you selling it to get the Z4?

Why you wanna buy another one? :D
Re: juz wanna chk wat the Z4 bhp

:) ohh ya i juz sold my Z33 ..n getting a Z4 hehe
Re: juz wanna chk wat the Z4 bhp

Breyton;184890 said:
Why you wanna buy another one? :D

the current one is an auto ma.... stick shift ftw!
Re: juz wanna chk wat the Z4 bhp

Wa seh...u really backside itchy lei... Selling Z33 to buy Z33...hahaha... wait for R35 Skyline GTR lah...hehhe
Re: juz wanna chk wat the Z4 bhp

gtr_Gtti;184925 said:
Wa seh...u really backside itchy lei... Selling Z33 to buy Z33...hahaha... wait for R35 Skyline GTR lah...hehhe

we've added a grocery-shopping 4 door 4 seats type of sedan to the family, so the daily driving practicality of an auto Z33 can now be sacrificed for the pleasure of a manual. plus his has nice sticker work and a GT wing.... very FnF. i like.... no need for a "compromise car" anymore
Re: juz wanna chk wat the Z4 bhp

louis;184950 said:
we've added a grocery-shopping 4 door 4 seats type of sedan to the family, so the daily driving practicality of an auto Z33 can now be sacrificed for the pleasure of a manual. plus his has nice sticker work and a GT wing.... very FnF. i like.... no need for a "compromise car" anymore
Wow! quoting from my `I'm driving a...'

I'm happy with my decision to get 2 uncompromised cars, a fat pig and a lean roadster, let's see how it pans out.
Re: juz wanna chk wat the Z4 bhp

louis;184950 said:
we've added a grocery-shopping 4 door 4 seats type of sedan to the family....

Hmm, seeing that the 'compromise' car was a nifty Zed, what would this 4-dr/4-seat car be - the RS4? XJR? Maser QP? :lol2:

Eh wait, RS4 is manual only, which I think fails the 'family sedan' criteria for you.... :p
Re: juz wanna chk wat the Z4 bhp

YOu said you are selling me those brembo calipers for the Z33?

louis;184950 said:
we've added a grocery-shopping 4 door 4 seats type of sedan to the family, so the daily driving practicality of an auto Z33 can now be sacrificed for the pleasure of a manual. plus his has nice sticker work and a GT wing.... very FnF. i like.... no need for a "compromise car" anymore
Re: juz wanna chk wat the Z4 bhp

BS, you are first in the queue for it when we sell, but first must look for replacement and a buyer for the orange Z at reasonable prices.

but hor.... i thought you've retired from modding?

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